The recipe I saw in this site .
I'm not very fond of pumpkin, but I liked this dish very much.
The dose of flour but I had to increase (I went to the eye), because the dough was too mushy sempe. So they are not able to make the dumplings as directed, but by putting the dough in piping bag and cut the pieces directly into the pot.
Gr 350 Gr 350 white potatoes flour
Gr 180 Gr 300 ml
fresh porcini mushrooms. 200
fresh cream 1 egg 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
Gr 350 Gr 350 white potatoes flour
Gr 180 Gr 300 ml
fresh porcini mushrooms. 200
fresh cream 1 egg 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
Wash the potatoes and cook in steam. Remove the peel and mash while still hot in masher.
Wash pumpkin and remove seeds and filaments inside. Divide into pieces and distribute them on a sheet of aluminum foil. Close to form a bag and bake at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes until the meat is tender.
Let cool, remove the peel and the pulp mill the past.
United pumpkin the whole egg, potatoes and flour. Add salt and knead the dough enough to get right mix.
Form the dough prepared with many cylinders and cut into small pieces.
Spend the gnocchi on a fork to form the classic line.
Clean mushrooms by removing all traces of terra e strofinateli con uno straccio pulito leggermente umido. Tagliateli a fettine e cuoceteli in una padella con un filo di olio extravergine di oliva per pochi muniti.
Aggiungete la panna fresca, salate e pepate e proseguite la cottura a fuoco lento per 5 minuti circa.
Portate a bollore una pentola con abbondante acqua salata e tuffate gli gnocchi pochi alla volta. Prelevateli con una schiumarola man mano che vengono a galla e versateli nel sugo di panna e funghi.
Mescolate delicatamente e profumate con il prezzemolo tritato.
Servite il piatto caldo.
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