River Rescue Team of Civil Protection of Valstagna
involved in the rescue of flood victims in Caldogno cresol (Vicenza)
Valbrenta The alarm is stopped by a few hours, a few hours of rest for the volunteers of the Rescue Team River of Valstagna of Civil Protection, and Enrico Lazzarotto asks others to make themselves available for relief to flood victims of Vicenza.
Within minutes all eight volunteers leave and give their full commitment Availability: Cesco, Marco, Manu , Alberto, Enrico L8 , Gheno , and Ivan which provides van Club rafting. Galta has not yet entered in civil protection, but in a few minutes, the secretary Davide Moro associates it with the group of volunteers.
Marco alerts the operations center in Vicenza Civil Defence and look ok for the departure and destination. In the meantime, prepare all their own protective equipment: life jacket, helmet, thermal suits, ropes launch, carabiners, etc.. At 13 comes off: destination Provincial Command Fire of Vicenza. We meet all the stock of Carpani, where you check the equipment and loading the boat. Ready to start.
Once in command of the Fire Brigade in Vicenza, Mark, our foreman, is to receive provisions. After some time, the destination of the most critical point dell'esondazione Bacchiglione: cresol Caldogno .
Along the way we change ourselves in the van, we do not know exactly what we want to be ready and we will find is the first intervention of the new team. Upon arrival at Cresol we realize now that the situation is difficult, Marco went to the coordination and soon comes up with Joseph, one of the coordinators, who explains that we will return to the team of Civil Protection of Schio. In fact we just Augustus, who for years has come at the Center Rafting and Canoeing Ivan National Team, practicing to become a rescuer river. As soon as we can see, comes to us with a smile of satisfaction, he is there in the early hours of the disaster. We pass the baton and, with Joseph, who knows the country, we organize ourselves to reach the isolated houses in order to bring help, as well as water and milk. We are ready to go rafting in an inflatable boat, but we are told by Augustus who prefer the mechanical shovel quarry scrap because there are too many and the current is too strong. In the meantime, we reach the diggers Beppe , there's also the water and milk, all load on the blade and bring with us a civilian who needs to go home dal suocero per prestargli aiuto.
Oltre alla consegna di acqua e latte in ogni famiglia, abbiamo il compito di raccogliere richieste di beni di prima necessità: medicinali, ricariche telefoniche e tutto quanto possa rendersi necessario in una situazione di emergenza. Marco rimane al comando con la radio, una radio ad Alberto e ad Enrico per mantenere i contatti con Marco. Saliamo sulla pala meccanica e si parte. Non appena accese le torce, già dopo pochi metri, ci accorgiamo della gravità dei danni dell’esondazione. Strada facendo, manovra dopo manovra di Beppe espertissimo scavatorista, ci muoviamo con cautela lì dove l'acqua non è troppo veloce, con le indicazioni di Giuseppe per raggiungere le vie e le case ancora abitate. It's dark, and even with the torches, you do not see enough, the water is dark and muddy. We express our presence with the whistles that came immediately and face the windows adults and children: to care for a family of four first, let 2 gallons of milk and water bottles, Joseph noted their needs, the route and location of delivery will take place the next morning.
Progress is thus from 18 to 21. The scenario is disastrous car flipped, the town invested in homes with violence from the water, as if we were to camp for canoe slalom in Valstagna. From the windows one can see that car, dragged by the force of power, broke through the walls of homes and in revenue. Joseph explains that it took just 12 minutes to turn the country into hell: the water has flooded homes and businesses immediately, the current swept everything away. The Bacchiglione broke a dam upstream of cresol, creating a reservoir a few miles, being at a height of 5 meters higher than the country has suddenly flooded. The water has joined the small canal that runs alongside the village and caused all this disaster, three rivers were formed in three different ways in which the water flowed more impetuous. At first, the current was so strong, Beppe tells us that the shovel, though huge, was raised by the violence of the water. During the first interventi, i soccorritori hanno evacuato la maggior parte degli abitanti, ma molti non hanno voluto lasciare le abitazioni.
A conclusione della perlustrazione, Giuseppe e Beppe si guardano l'un l'altro e si dicono, concordi: "Ci sono tanti danni, ma alla fine è andata bene... non ci sono state vittime e feriti gravi".
Questo il rapporto di questa notte, steso da Ivan Pontarollo. La criticità e l'emergenza della situazione sono meglio documentate dalle FOTO che Ivan ha scattato mentre, dalla cabina, raccoglieva le indicazioni di Giuseppe e Beppe e le comunicava agli uomini della sua squadra, usando il linguaggio del River Rescue 3 (protocollo internazionale rescue of river).
River Rescue Team of the Civil Protection of Valstagna is back at work by 6:30 this morning, again in cresol, for relief to people in need and delivery of food and basic necessities required by the inhabitants.
A request that is also appealing: they are mainly pumps to remove water from the houses, their garages and basements for the next few days.
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