Saturday, February 27, 2010

Free Plans For 2 Seat Sand Rail


These sugars had them prepared in time for Christmas gift to friends and I made some for me too.


lumps of sugar alcohol liquor
mint leaves
orange peel and lemon

sterilized glass jars are filled with lumps of sugar in each pot and put the ingredients to taste . I've made it
arancia e limone, menta e limone, limone e chiodi di garofano e solo menta.
Vanno lasciate riposare almeno una quindicina di giorni prima d essere utilizzate.
Si possono gustare così, ma sono molto alcoliche; è consigliabile mettere la zolletta in un cucchiaino, fiammeggiare e dopo una ventina di secondi levarla dal cucchiaino e mangiarla.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Does A Business License Look Like?

SUGAR BALLS OF GROUPER, citrus and almond

Questa è una ricetta di Gianluca Nosari e può essere sia un antipasto che un secondo piatto.
Io l'ho servito proprio come secondo e ho sostituito la cernia con il pesce persico


600/700gr di filetti di cernia
70gr di pane raffermo (ammollato)
50gr di mandorle tostate (lamelle)
2 limoni i non trattati
2 uova
prezzemolo qb
sale qb
100gr parmigiano
40gr olio evo
noce moscata qb
brodo granulare qb
pane grattato qb
olio di arachide per friggere qb

Cuocere al vapore il pesce.
Tritare e condire con uova, parmigiano, olio evo, prezzemolo tritato, la buccia di limone grattugiata, mandorle a lamella tostate, sale aromi e pane ammollato, strizzato e tritato. Impastare il tutto, formare delle sfere grosse poco meno di una noce, impanare e tuffare in olio di arachide già caldo, friggere e servire.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ghostbusters Proton Pack Blueprints



2 carciofi
una fetta di guanciale tagliata a dadini
uno scalogno
prezzemolo tritato
1/2 bicchiere di latte
sale e pepe.

Pulire i carciofi levando le foglie più dure e tagliarli a fettine sottili.
Tritare lo scalogno e rosolarlo in padella con il guanciale.
Unire poi i carciofi, salare e pepare e dopo qualche minuto unire il latte, coprire e portare a cottura finchè il latte si assorbe.
Cuocere la pasta, mantecarla nella padella col sugo e volendo spolverare con del parmigiano.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Web Md Bloodshot Eyes


Questa è una ricetta di Adriano e l'abbinamento cioccolato pears and is really delicious.
And this said by someone like me who like little pears.
Here's a picture of the last remaining slice.

Ingredients: 400g

pastry 100g chocolate 50g chocolate
50% 70%

100g butter 150g sugar 50g flour
3 eggs 2 egg yolks 1 pinch of salt

400g net Doyenne pears not very mature
bitter orange marmalade
a dozen macaroons dried, irregular crumbs.
Coat a 28cm diameter tart mold with the pastry and bake in a white 15 '.
Meanwhile, melt the butter over low heat, pour off the heat 50g of chocolate and 50% wat 70%, chopped and stir. Beat eggs and egg yolks with salt, add sugar mixed with flour, continuing to mount.
Add the warmed chocolate, stirring gently to not remove the mixture, add the remaining chopped chocolate.
Coat bottom and edge of the pastry shell with a couple of spoonfuls of jam, sprinkle with amaretti, distribute the diced pears ca. 2x2, pour the chocolate mass, level and bake at 180 degrees for 30 to 40 '. Leave the cooking tender, is ready when inserting a toothpick in the center, the dots remain semiasciutti attached to the wood.
Dust with icing sugar.
should be consumed once it has cooled slightly.

Red Spot On Penis Glans


This time, thanks to India's dear colleague Dr. Diana Vann, I came across an interesting article posted on a blog specializing in Neuropsychology ( HERE). Below I
full article for convenience:

"The basis of the assumption of the existence of a correlation between consciousness and neural activity measured with the tools of neurophysiology, there would be a deep philosophical confusion," says Ray Tallis ... The University of Manchester, the New Scientist (R. Tallis, You will not find consciousness in the brain, New Cross, 07/01/2010). The vast majority of neuroscientists and philosophers of the mind "see the day approaching in which they will finally be able to explain all the mysteries of human consciousness through the observation of brain activity. "At the same time," a minority disagrees with this orthodoxy, mainly by questioning "accuracy" of the correlations between indirect measures of brain and mental functions, salient feature of the studies conducted to date in this complex field of inquiry. In 2009 a study published by Harol Pashler and colleagues on Perspectives on Psychological Sciences was highlighted and questioned the "too high correlations between brain activity and various psychological constructs (albeit" rarely explained properly, "according to its authors) found in papers reporting the results of research conducted with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the field of social cognition, emotion and personality. The real problem however, as we see Tallis, non è tanto nelle “limitazioni tecniche” degli strumenti, destinate a essere temporanee visto l'incalzante progresso delle neuroscienze, quanto nel metodo di indagine adottato, fondato a suo giudizio su una “confusione filosofica profonda”. Secondo il professore di Manchester infatti, sarebbero ancora numerosi gli aspetti della coscienza ordinaria che "resistono" alla spiegazione neurologica e “il fallimento dei tentativi di spiegare la coscienza in termini di attività nervosa non è dovuto a limiti tecnici facilmente superabili, ma alla natura auto-contraddittoria del compito, di cui l'incapacità di spiegare la contemporanea unità e molteplicità della consapevolezza, l'avvio dell'azione, the construction of the self, free will, the explicit presence of the past (not admitted in a physical system, synapses, as physical structures, were present only at work) and so on. are not the symptoms. " The fundamental reason for the "incomplete or impracticability" of any explanation in these terms would be tied to the "disjunction between the objects of science and the contents of consciousness: science begins at the very moment in which eschews subjective experience, experience firsthand , preferring the objective measurement that takes us away from the phenomenon of subjective consciousness to the realm in which things are described in abstract terms of quantity. "This procedure - Tallis concludes - his office would discard the essential content of consciousness that you want to explain ... Fun fact: Ray Tallis is not a philosopher, a doctor of the Academy of Medical Sciences. This article refers us to a reflection published on this Blog ( HERE), which were criticized in the investigation methods of positive science, based on experimental measurement, objective, when applied to describe the phenomena of consciousness. The ancient Indian culture, it says that you can not describe consciousness through the senses (or their extensions, which can also be the most modern measuring instruments), but you can explain this fundamental personality only with consciousness itself! Or through an inner vision, the one that can be accessed through meditation. Consciousness does not reside in the brain, including the synapses and their connections appear to be an effect (what Tallis calls the symptoms), but in the deepest part of the personality, the atman, the self which ontologically transcends the transient nature of the ephemeral body. What we're talking of two different evaluation plans, not in opposition, because obviously the brain and its connections involved in the phenomenon of consciousness, and in fact, more properly, in which case we should call it "conditioned consciousness," because the nature of pure consciousness (Cit), is to be conditioned (cittah) due to the presence of the thin material and psychic connections structured (the "hardware" consists of the interconnections of brain synapses). As Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (VII.4-5): "Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - these eight elements, separate from Me, My form the material energy. [...] In addition to this there is another energy, my energy more than made up by living things that use less energy resources, material nature. " The energies are two ontological: the matter (prakriti) and the self (purusha). The self can be known only with the self, not with matter, otherwise it falls into a contradiction, as evidenced by Prof. Tallis. Reflections of this type, expressed by leading researchers such as Prof. Tallis, highlight the still open debate on the issue of consciousness, and the various conflicts there. Ancient Indian Culture, in this sense, is an important contribution to all researchers are open to views that may complement and improve existing knowledge.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Introduction To The Nikon D90 Volume2

By Andrea Boni.

Today as usual I opened internet sites di alcuni dei più importanti quotidiani per leggere le notizie e tenermi informato. E' una pratica che adotto da tempo per dedicare 15-30 minuti alla lettura degli articoli più interessanti. Mi sono imbattuto in una notizia il cui contenuto non è nuovo, certamente, ma visto il tono e i temi che abbiamo deciso di trattare in questo Blog non potevo ignorare. La notizia riporta alcune dichiarazioni di Umberto Veronesi circa la religiosità che riporto integralmente di seguito così come pubblicato sul Corriere della Sera.

MILANO - La religione impedisce di ragionare mentre la scienza vive nella ricerca della verità. Sono mondi molto lontani. Umberto Veronesi, nel corso di Sky Tg24 Pomeriggio, ha spiegato i motivi che, da scienziato, lo hanno portato ad allontanarsi dalla fede. «Scienza e fede non possono andare insieme - ha affermato l' oncologo - perché la fede presuppone di credere ciecamente in qualcosa di rivelato nel passato, una specie di legenda che ancora adesso persiste, senza criticarla, senza il diritto di mettere in dubbio i misteri e dogmi che vanno accettati o, meglio, subiti».

«INTEGRALISTA» - Secondo Veronesi, infatti, la religione, per definizione, è integralista, mentre la scienza vive nel dubbio, nella ricerca della verità, nel bisogno di provare, di criticare se stessa e riprovare. In sostanza, è la sua tesi, si tratta di due mondi e concezioni del pensiero molto lontani l'uno second, that can not be embraced them both. During the program, then recalled the doctor to come from a very religious family, "I prayed the rosary every night up to 14 years" but had decided to leave, at first with great difficulty, having examined in depth all religions. "Because - he concluded - I am convinced that every religion expresses the need for a population at that historic moment." (Source: USA Today)

Religion and Science The union characterized the dialectic of the last millennia. Even Thomas Aquinas deals with this important aspect, in fact. Probably the spiritual experiences of Veronesi were really traumatic and sorry to read that content a bit "closed" and limited by an intelligent and cultivated mind. My experience with science belongs to the "traditional" Western degree in Electronic Engineering PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Assistant Professor at the University of Trento with studies on neural networks and machine learning models, Professor of Electronic Systems Digital at the same university. Really very rational and Science in my CV! My first experience with spirituality belongs to the Catholic tradition, then, more recently, the Hindu tradition, the Vedic-Vaishnava matrix. Well I can say that if the religious, or rather, spirituality is experienced in a dogmatic creed and then prevented from thinking. But in the same way of thinking prevents a certain kind of science concepts when you set the second driven by factors beyond a liberal interpretation of the research. We are confident that today's research is really free? The Tradition of Yoga, for example, but also in all the authentic traditions, which sincerely seeks the development of the spirit that leads to effective harmonization of the personality proposes a method to improve all components of the psyche, intelligence included, through a continuous analysis of your progress, and through an exact method of spiritual evolution. I can say as a scientist have found an exact science in ancient Indian spirituality, that does not stop to think, but rather the reason (Vedanta) is combined in a harmonious relationship with faith and devotion (Bhakti) to the Divine. This is clearly expressed in the Sanskrit word "Bhaktivedanta." The sincere invitation to all researchers is not to put barriers to intellectual advance, but to remain flexible and open, with a critical constructive, authentic content for all those that can really improve our lives.