ON 'Plastic NEURONAL 'AND MEDITATION Andrea Boni collaboration with Barbara Ferrando.
Recenti studi scientifici hanno ormai ampiamente dimostrato che una delle caratteristiche principali del sistema nervoso è la sua plasticità, ovvero la stupefacente capacità di adattarsi all’ambiente e, come conseguenza, attraverso l’esperienza e la pratica costante, migliorarne le risposte. Sapendo che i cambiamenti che avvengono nella rete neuronale a seguito degli stimoli ambientali possono persistere molto a lungo, in linea di principio anche per tutta la vita dell’individuo, ne consegue che la plasticità neuronale rappresenta la base delle funzioni cerebrali superiori come l’apprendimento e la memoria e, indirettamente, la causa prima della manifestazione delle emozioni e del carattere di una persona in generale, inteso come la sua capacità di reagire agli eventi. L’organizzazione e il raggruppamento delle reti neuronali sono originariamente determinati da fattori genetici, cioè da proteine di “riconoscimento” chemotattiche e da proteine di adesione cellulare i cui geni sono trascritti e tradotti in modo specifico a seconda della popolazione neuronale. Uno dei primi passi nello sviluppo del sistema nervoso centrale è l’inizio della crescita dell’assone nei neuroni neonati: gli assoni nascenti “navigano” verso i loro bersagli specifici creando con essi connessioni sinaptiche le quali vanno a costituire quell’intricata rete che si ritrova nel sistema mature CNS. To do this, the axons that project to the target have to constantly monitor their spatial environment and carefully select the correct paths of all the possible (which are numerous). Today there are several known "molecular navigation systems" that govern and guide this search by axons. Understanding how these systems work and how to guide molecular contribute to engage and deflect the migration of axons is a major goal of neurobiology. It has been shown that neural networks are adaptive and learning, though a deep and comprehensive study of their circuits have been so far prevented the complexity of their dynamics. However, even with thousands of years in advance the science of yoga had given a very precise knowledge of the dynamics that contribute to the structuring of neural networks, and thus the automatic and dynamic mental conditioning resulting in particular and has provided the means for their deconstruction. In substance, the plasticity of neural networks can be defined as the continuous modeling of morphology and function induced mainly by the experience and then from the environment. This model can be strengthened and "driven" through constant practice (abhyasa) of a given year. For example, to deconstruct automatic thought patterns, conditioning and destructive, you can apply the technique of visualization meditation daily, to be implemented mainly in the morning (from 4 to 8):
The Lord Shri Krishna said
O mighty-armed Arjuna, is undoubtedly very difficult to dominate restless mind;
however, O son of Kunti, it is possible with practice and with the appropriate emotional distance.
(Bhagavad Gita VI.35)
At this time (this period is also called brahmamurta) the brain is particularly susceptible to learning, and then training on new patterns of thinking, enabling encode new circuits neuronal healthy and conditioning. Even if the "critical periods" (stages of development in which neural plasticity reaches the apex of expressive potential) are found mainly in childhood, now it is scientifically known that neural plasticity is a primary right that characterizes the entire life brain, even at an advanced stage of aging. We have the potential to re-map the brain areas that affect us and that are generating pain and dependence (also and especially affective). In this sense, the practice of meditation appears to be a real technique to guide neuronal plasticity and when the object of meditation is a mantra consists of divine names, the result that follows, where the practice is appropriate and consistently leads to inner peace, contentment, inspiration and desire to share.
For more insights on the benefits of meditation, see:
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