Friday, July 30, 2010

Real 12 Peace Beyblades For Sale

between science and spirituality '- Interview by Andrea Boni (Part One).

Modern physics from 900 onwards, has reached the same conclusions as the ancient Vedic Rishis of about 5000 years ago. That is, the reality is nothing but the specter of a vibrant mosaic and illusory (Maya) appunto. Secondo lei com'è stato possibile giungere ad una realizzazione così profonda della comprensione della realtà ascoltando soltanto la voce dell'interiorità? Andrea Boni: La voce dell'interiorità dice molto di più di quanto può dire la mera conoscenza ottenuta attraverso i sensi. Questo è uno dei primi insegnamenti dei Rishi Vedici, secondo cui la retta conoscenza (pramana) può essere ottenuta in tre modi distinti: attraverso la percezione sensoriale (pratyaksha), attraverso la deduzione (anumana) e attraverso una realizzazione interiore ottenuta sperimentando livelli di consapevolezza che vanno oltre il piano fenomenico (shabda Brahman). Sebbene tutti e tre corretti, solo l'ultimo permette l'ottenimento di una conoscenza vera, priva di errori. Ciò ha naturalmente a che fare con il livello di coscienza di colui che sperimenta. Il Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta (, da anni opera proprio con l'obiettivo di far comprendere al vasto pubblico dell'Occidente questi importantissimi insegnamenti, i cui principi sono quanto mai attuali ed estremamente utili per potersi orientale in questa società.
Ervin Laszlo, un famoso scienziato dell'est europeo (presidente del club di Budapest e più volte candidato al Nobel - tra l'altro residente in toscana -) sostiene che l'universo è collegato e tutto è in relazione continua tra le parti. Riscopre e prende in prestito dalla cosmologia Indù the Akash, an invisible field that pervades everything, the birthplace of all things. It may help to clarify what it is?
Andrea Boni: I can answer that question literally quoting a conversation I had with Marco Ferrini, Founder and President of Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta, with whom I had the opportunity to confront on this issue. For those interested to pursue this topic may consult the text: Consciousness and the Origin of the Universe Marco Ferrini, published by the Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta. The term Akasha used by Ervin Laszlo, The vacuum quantum-mechanical postulate Dr. Corbucci in his theory of subatomic particles, we can, in large part, from the requirements of the "ether" is also postulated by the famous scholar Marco Todeschini and akasha element introduced centuries ago by the Samkhya philosophy. The akasha element described by the ancient Samkhya philosophy, probably the oldest of humankind, is variably translated into modern European languages \u200b\u200bwith the words 'space' and 'empty'. Due to the nature of quantum mechanical vacuum we could use the same definition for the term akasha philosophy of Samkhya, which indicates a container (made of prakriti, matter, albeit subtle, as one of pancabhuta), precisely the "empty" having the potential availability-up to show everything that becomes a phenomenon (ether fact, according to Samkhya, derive all other bhuta, or air, fire, water and earth). The akasha element, along with all other elements, are in fact parampurusha of energy, the Being that is situated ontologically beyond matter, space and time. See in this regard Bhagavad Gita VII.4:

"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego
- these eight distinct elements from Me, My
are the material energy."

When you experience the phenomena according to the Samkhya? When the void o nello spazio si situa l’osservatore, il purusha. Qui varrebbe la pena di citare la famosa teoria, poi dimostrata ed accettata dalla scienza, del Principio di Indeterminazione di Heisenberg del 1928, secondo il quale un fenomeno non si può precisamente determinare in quanto l’osservatore - osservandolo - lo modifica; da qui appunto l'enunciazione del ‘Principio di Indeterminazione’. Similmente, nella filosofia e psicologia Samkhya si evidenza che quando il purusha - con la sua coscienza e capacità di osservazione - penetra nella prakriti o dimensione empirica, il primo impatto che questi ha è con lo spazio ed è nello spazio - nell'interazione con la coscienza - che si manifesta la materia con la sua specifica forma empirica, defined in modern terms such as mass, just like the concept of the vacuum quantum-mechanical postulate Dr. Corbucci or from the 'ether' of Todeschini. The purusha is charged with mass, then shows the material body, as a result of impact with akasha (space vacuum). That the mass originates from this empty space in the interaction with the observer's consciousness is also postulates that the modern physics, in fact, that the energy waves are turned into subatomic particles must be the impact of the observer. Remain so if they are not observed and the particles become, therefore, are charged with mass, when they are observed. With the language of modern physics, Dr. Corbucci explains that they draw mass from vacuum quantum-mechanical, in the Samkhya philosophy states that the purusha is coated with (mass) in its impact with prakriti in the form of Akash, and is this impact that creates the time. It had influence only on the ground but not on the purusha. The purusha is not eternal because it lasts so much in time, but because it has nothing to do with it. Nor have the space: the purusha is called pure consciousness (cit), at-a-time and space. See this purpose Bhagavad Gita II.12:

"Never was there a time when there were no
I, you and all these kings, and in the future none of us ever will cease to exist."

According to the Sankhya philosophy, prakriti is when the state does not manifest (a-vyakta) gunas, or structuring their energy, they are like opposing forces that cancel each other producing a stasis. However, when the consciousness (purusha) observes the prakriti, these forces are activated, generating the phenomena and materials remain in motion until it produces the state of Kaivalya or liberation of purusha from prakriti as described in the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali . Kaivalya is the process by which the purusha is freed from the mass that has developed to go back to being pure purusha, pure pure Brahman or atman.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mount Blade Wedding Marry


reading about on-line versions of the most important newspapers I came across this news that has rekindled in me past and unfinished studies and research. The news concerns a scientific dispute about the validity or otherwise of the law of universal gravitation, which was enunciated by Newton. And 'this is a really interesting topic already addressed by eminent scholars including Italian ones (consider for example all the work done by Todeschini who explicitly stated that no particular qualms about the law of gravitation does not exist), and certainly, although not directly, also by "scientists" of the Hindu-Vedic consciousness. Literally
article of Republic Act (1):

"The theory of gravity is forse la più formidabile legge della fisica, il principio più evidente e universale perché corrisponde a un'esperienza empirica irresistibile. Il bambino ancora non sa parlare e uno dei primi giochi in cui si trastulla dal seggiolone, consiste nel far cadere il cucchiaio della pappa. Lo spettacolo è affascinante nella sua ripetitività. Afferra il cucchiaio, lo solleva, lo lascia cadere, e ogni volta il miracolo si ripete: quell'oggetto viene attratto irresistibilmente a terra, costringendo il paziente genitore a raccoglierlo. Ognuno di noi all'età di 18 mesi è stato Newton senza saperlo. Ebbene, ricrediamoci: la forza di gravità è un'illusione, una beffa cosmica, o un "effetto collaterale" di qualcos'altro che occurs at a much deeper level of reality. "Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita tells us that everything emanates from Him (Aham sarvasya prabhava ...) and that" everything rests on him like pearls on a string. "From the standpoint of the philosophy of Samkhya, the world manifest crystallizes from ether, the vacuum as a mechanism, under the impetus of the creative consciousness of God, and is there at that deeper level of reality that have to do with the causes of the motions of planets and of all phenomena us - more or less - known. This was also the same interpretation of Todeschini. And then: "The abandonment of Newton had already been anticipated by the relativity of Albert Einstein but now avviene una rottura ancora più radicale. Un celebre fisico matematico olandese-americano, il 48enne Erik Verlinde che ha già legato il suo nome alla "teoria delle stringhe" (la supersimmetria negli universi paralleli), sta agitando il mondo accademico degli Stati Uniti con una serie di conferenze in cui fa a pezzi la teoria della gravità. […]. Andrew Strominger, fisico-matematico di Harvard, è uno dei colleghi di Verlinde che non nasconde la sua ammirazione: "Queste idee stanno ispirando discussioni molto interessanti, vanno dritte al cuore di tutto ciò che non comprendiamo del nostro universo". Verlinde è l'ultimo di una serie di scienziati che da trent'anni a questa parte stanno smantellando pezzo dopo pezzo la teoria gravity. In the seventies, Jacob Bekenstein and Stephen Hawking have explored the links between blacks holes and thermodynamics. In the nineties Ted Jacobson explained the blacks holes as holograms, three-dimensional images used for the security of our credit cards: all that has been "swallowed" and disappeared into the holes blacks universe, is this information as a hologram printed on the outside. Juan Maldacena of the 'Institute for Advanced Study has built a mathematical model of the universe expressed as a tin of canned soup. Everything that happens inside the jar, including what we call gravity, is synthesized label pasted outside: outside instead of gravity does not exist. Think of the universe as a box of Scrabble (the Beetle, ed), the game where you make words with the letters of the alphabet. If you shake the box and the letters scattered at random, there is only one possible combination that can give you a poem of Leopardi. An almost infinite number of combinations have no meaning. More shake the box of letters is more likely that the disorder increases as the letters are combined in order of probability. This is the new way of seeing the force of gravity, as a form of entropy. Or a "side effect of the natural propensity to il disordine". Questa è l'interpretazione degli Scienziati moderni. In realtà, le leggi che governano il nostro Universo sono ben altro che un mero risultato del caso. Anzi, come Dante stesso cita è “l'Amore che move il sole e l'altre stelle”. Certamente se ci concentriamo solo su ciò che i nostri sensi possono percepire e/o misurare i risultati che riusciremo ad ottenere ne saranno una diretta conseguenza che porterà ad inevitabili risultati parziali. Newton aveva avuto sicuramente una grande intuizione, ma ciò che ha delineato altro non è che un modello della realtà che in talune circostanze funziona, in altre no. Così è in generale per tutte le leggi. Noi possiamo solo rappresentare la realtà fenomenica with some representative models, but we can enter into its deepest essence and form (svarupa) only access levels of awareness and higher consciousness, as we explain the Yoga and the Bhagavad Gita:

Aham sarvasya prabhava
Mattah sarvam pravartate
Iti matv bhajante mam
Budha bhava-samanvitah

"They are the source of all worlds, spiritual and material. Everything emanates from Me The essays [that access to higher levels of consciousness] know the truth, I serve with devotion and worship Me with all their heart. "

(1) The Republic, July 15, 2010.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Maybelline Everfresh Concealer Review Black Women


Back to winning for the fourth time the district of Côte-Collicello, after the series 2006, 2007 and 2008.

After the victory of Londonderry last year, returns to win back the red flag of the Palio, the district of Val Biancoverde Capra.

Nip Oliero the ambitions of the district, ranking first in the sprint race, last weekend (which had led to the choice of the flag in the middle phase), as in the first shot of the sled and cut the trunk, (then in the first position of departure), but not without controversy over the regulation and not forgetting the experience of people like Robert Pontarollo (not on crew went along with Alberto Stefani), and then emblazoned on plurivittoriosa (12 times) Oliero.

to the field of canoe slalom race of Capovilla, Oliero advanced Londa, Costa-Collicello Stefani and Sasso-Modon Clara.

fight hard and with some "Attolico" flush with the regulation, well established, which is considered an integral part of the game and the rivalry between districts, Costa-Collicello, flaunting his superiorità.Seguono the quarter of Sasso-Clara Modon Stefani and district Londa, who manages to complete the event in large part with only two rafters, slipped in the water as the field canoa.Il race helmsman alone was as a full crew.

Collection scarf after the church, there's been history since under the Rialto bridge.
The intermediate stage, the most spectacular and decisive, but also the most difficult to prevent irregularities and suspensions, see the raft of Costa-Collicello show its superiority,

Useless and vain attempt to Oliero, that one man water, the costs of disqualification.

Sasso Stefani Clara Modon Londa and continue, while Torre and San Marco are below.

Fontoli, carrying the former Olympic champion canoe slalom, Ferrazzi, passes over after 15 minutes, having had to refloat the raft stuck against a rock, but honorably completing all tests. The Palio rafts

2010 sees the quarter-Costa Collicello, before Sasso Stefani Modon Clara, London, Tower, San Marco, San Gaetano, Mori and relegated to last position Oliero, who has not completed the midterm. At the end of
stake disputes and controversies inevitable characteristic of the passion of valstagnoti, Contrada and not in the tradition of the Palio.

Onstage authorities with the mayor, vice and Department of Tourism, a fitting tribute to the winners.

The evening ends with the great festivals in the districts, thinking of the 25 th anniversary next year, maybe all together, sperando con strade comunali chiuse al traffico ben oltre al tramonto.

per altre foto clicca qui

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gift For Someone Who's Had A Stroke

ON 'Plastic NEURONAL 'AND MEDITATION Andrea Boni collaboration with Barbara Ferrando.

Recenti studi scientifici hanno ormai ampiamente dimostrato che una delle caratteristiche principali del sistema nervoso è la sua plasticità, ovvero la stupefacente capacità di adattarsi all’ambiente e, come conseguenza, attraverso l’esperienza e la pratica costante, migliorarne le risposte. Sapendo che i cambiamenti che avvengono nella rete neuronale a seguito degli stimoli ambientali possono persistere molto a lungo, in linea di principio anche per tutta la vita dell’individuo, ne consegue che la plasticità neuronale rappresenta la base delle funzioni cerebrali superiori come l’apprendimento e la memoria e, indirettamente, la causa prima della manifestazione delle emozioni e del carattere di una persona in generale, inteso come la sua capacità di reagire agli eventi. L’organizzazione e il raggruppamento delle reti neuronali sono originariamente determinati da fattori genetici, cioè da proteine di “riconoscimento” chemotattiche e da proteine di adesione cellulare i cui geni sono trascritti e tradotti in modo specifico a seconda della popolazione neuronale. Uno dei primi passi nello sviluppo del sistema nervoso centrale è l’inizio della crescita dell’assone nei neuroni neonati: gli assoni nascenti “navigano” verso i loro bersagli specifici creando con essi connessioni sinaptiche le quali vanno a costituire quell’intricata rete che si ritrova nel sistema mature CNS. To do this, the axons that project to the target have to constantly monitor their spatial environment and carefully select the correct paths of all the possible (which are numerous). Today there are several known "molecular navigation systems" that govern and guide this search by axons. Understanding how these systems work and how to guide molecular contribute to engage and deflect the migration of axons is a major goal of neurobiology. It has been shown that neural networks are adaptive and learning, though a deep and comprehensive study of their circuits have been so far prevented the complexity of their dynamics. However, even with thousands of years in advance the science of yoga had given a very precise knowledge of the dynamics that contribute to the structuring of neural networks, and thus the automatic and dynamic mental conditioning resulting in particular and has provided the means for their deconstruction. In substance, the plasticity of neural networks can be defined as the continuous modeling of morphology and function induced mainly by the experience and then from the environment. This model can be strengthened and "driven" through constant practice (abhyasa) of a given year. For example, to deconstruct automatic thought patterns, conditioning and destructive, you can apply the technique of visualization meditation daily, to be implemented mainly in the morning (from 4 to 8):

The Lord Shri Krishna said
O mighty-armed Arjuna, is undoubtedly very difficult to dominate restless mind;
however, O son of Kunti, it is possible with practice and with the appropriate emotional distance.

(Bhagavad Gita VI.35)

At this time (this period is also called brahmamurta) the brain is particularly susceptible to learning, and then training on new patterns of thinking, enabling encode new circuits neuronal healthy and conditioning. Even if the "critical periods" (stages of development in which neural plasticity reaches the apex of expressive potential) are found mainly in childhood, now it is scientifically known that neural plasticity is a primary right that characterizes the entire life brain, even at an advanced stage of aging. We have the potential to re-map the brain areas that affect us and that are generating pain and dependence (also and especially affective). In this sense, the practice of meditation appears to be a real technique to guide neuronal plasticity and when the object of meditation is a mantra consists of divine names, the result that follows, where the practice is appropriate and consistently leads to inner peace, contentment, inspiration and desire to share.

For more insights on the benefits of meditation, see: