Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Poptropica Bonus Items


By Andrea Boni.

"PISA. There is a lot of Pisa in the journey of discovery of the 'Universe' that is taking place at CERN in Geneva. A journey that could lead to a Nobel prize under the leaning tower. For several days, in fact, inside the Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful particle accelerator in history, are fighting proton beams at seven trillion electron volts, an energy level never reached before. The microscopic fireworks that result from collisions, are intended to bring small pieces of matter under the conditions immediately after the Big Bang, namely a fraction of a billionth of a second after the explosion that created the universe. To captain one of the four LHC experiments related to the activity of Professor Guido Tonelli, 59, Professor of Physics at Pisa University and collaborator of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). For about a year Tonelli is responsible for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), a project within which they work 3,600 people, including scientists, technicians and engineers.

The laws of physics that we study today, in fact, are related to a cold universe 13.7 billion years old, that has nothing in common with the cosmos newborn: "After the Big Bang, temperatures were very high and consequently there were more particles than those currently known - continues the physical - the heavier, in fact, require large amounts of energy and we now have disappeared. " LHC promises to turn back the clock and find these particles disappeared, useful to unravel many of the mysteries of the cosmos: "First of all we look for the Higgs boson, a factor which helps to understand why elementary particles have masses so different from each other - explains Tonelli - Then there is the dark matter, an entirely new form of matter: we do not see (because it does not emit light), but through the observations we can say that represents about one quarter of ' universe and that holds enormous clusters of galaxies. "Finally, the LHC could confirm (or deny) the recent extra-dimensional theories:" We live in a world of four dimensions (three space plus time ndr) but originally perhaps, there had a few more and we'll find out with LHC - explains Tonelli - High levels of energy within the accelerator could allow the opening of gates to unknown dimensions. Of course, we talk about space and time extremely reduced, so it would be possible to withdraw only small particles of matter, nothing more. But if the hypothesis is confirmed, there would be some interesting developments. "For these and other reasons, the name of Galileo-Lunigiana seems to be finished in the list of candidates for the Nobel prize for physics. (Il Tirreno, April 7, 2007).

These experiments are certainly interesting, but it would be important to understand these phenomena also provided through the Science in the Vedas and the philosophy of Samkhya and in particular the Bhagavad Gita, which describes how matter is a manifestation of Divine energy that occurs as the element ether (akasha).

akasha element described by the ancient Samkhya philosophy, probably the oldest of humankind, is variably translated into modern European languages \u200b\u200bwith the words 'space' and 'empty'. Due to the nature of quantum mechanical vacuum we could use the same definition for the term akasha philosophy of Samkhya, which indicates a container (made of prakriti, matter, albeit subtle, as one of pancabhuta), precisely the "empty" having the potential availability-up to show everything that becomes a phenomenon (ether fact, according to Samkhya, derive all other bhuta, or air, fire, water and earth). The akasha element, along with all other elements, are in fact parampurusha of energy, the Being that is situated ontologically beyond matter, space and time. See in this regard Bhagavad Gita VII.4:

"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego
- these eight distinct elements from Me, My
are the material energy."

When you experience the phenomena according to the Samkhya? When in a vacuum or space is located, the observer, the purusha. Here it is worth to mention the famous theory, then demonstrated and accepted by science, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of 1928, according to which a phenomenon can not be precisely determined since the observer - watching - the modification, hence precisely the enunciation of the 'uncertainty principle'. Similarly, in the Samkhya philosophy and psychology when it is stressed that the purusha - with his consciousness and powers of observation - penetrates into the prakriti, or size of thumb, the first impression is that they have with space and space - in the interaction with the consciousness - that we see the matter with its specific empirical form, defined in modern terms such as mass, just like the concept of quantum mechanical vacuum postulated by Dr. Corbucci or from the 'ether' of Todeschini. The purusha is charged with mass, and then shows the material body, as a result of impact with akasha (space vacuum).

that the mass originates from this empty space in the interaction with the observer's consciousness is also postulates that the modern physics, in fact, that the energy waves are turned into subatomic particles must be the impact of the observer . Remain so if they are not observed and the particles become, therefore, are charged with mass, when they are observed. With the language of modern physics than physicists explain that today they draw mass from vacuum quantum-mechanical, in the Samkhya philosophy states that the purusha is coated with (mass) in its impact with prakriti in the form of Akash, and is this impact that creates the time. It had influence only on the ground but not on the purusha. The purusha is not eternal because it lasts so much in time, but because it has nothing to do with it. Nor have the space: the purusha is called pure consciousness (cit), at-a-time and space. See this purpose Bhagavad Gita II.12:

"Never was there a time when there were no
I, you and all these kings, and in the future none of us ever will cease to exist."

According to the Sankhya philosophy, prakriti is when the state does not manifest (a-vyakta) gunas, or structuring their energy, they are like opposing forces that cancel each other producing a stasis. However, when the consciousness (purusha) observes the prakriti, these forces are activated, generating the phenomena and materials remain in motion until it produces the state of Kaivalya or liberation of purusha from prakriti as described in the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali . Kaivalya is the process by which the purusha is freed from the mass that has developed to go back to being pure purusha, pure pure Brahman or atman.


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