Di Marco Ferrini (Matsyavatar das).
Ogni civiltà ha prodotto una sua cosmogonia, perché una delle most pungent human curiosity was to know where it came from, where it is and where it is going to eternal questions which philosophy has always tried to give an answer. Dante had accepted the good the cosmogony of Alexandria, the Ptolemaic geocentric view, inherited dall'Ellade and the Latins, who regarded the earth at the center of the cosmos. We must get to Copernicus, a Renaissance man, to have a new theory, proved by mathematical functions, which describes a different universe, that is heliocentric with the sun at the center of the world. This new vision was confirmed and enlarged in 1600 by Galileo Galilei, who risked persecution and the fire and was forced to recant and he did not become una fiaccola vivente in mano ai domenicani, come successe invece al filosofo Giordano Bruno. La concezione che aveva Galileo del mondo non è quella che abbiamo noi oggi con la fisica quantistica ed i telescopi elettronici, eppure i problemi esistenziali rimangono sempre gli stessi: l’uomo continua a nascere, a morire, a non sapere da dove viene e dove sta andando, a vivere con angoscia, a provare il dolore, la frustrazione della vecchiaia, la morte, la transizione e la rinascita. Dante aderisce alla concezione dell’Universo del tredicesimo secolo, anche se essendo una personalità grande ed eclettica, ne dà una sua interpretazione. Dante è un pellegrino speciale, non viaggia solo su terreni fisici come Magellano, Vasco De Gama or Cortes, but as Virgil, Aeneas, St. Paul, Mohammed, is one of those people who experience even a trip into another dimension. In the Gita and the Bhagavata Purana the Cosmos is represented on three levels: there are inferior planets (Bhu), intermediate planets (Bhuva) and planets (SVA), which are also called havens. Causal ocean, below, is through the creation of a emanate Maha Vishnu, the Creator, who is himself a emanate from Krishna, whose name means "the immensely fascinating." In the high Empyrean there is the divine abode Goloka Vrindavan (Katha and Svetasvatara Uphanishad, Bhagavad Gita): abode of light, Fulgenzi which illuminates the whole world, and Comedy says:
The glory of Him who moves all
penetrates the universe, and shines
in a more and less elsewhere.
(Paradiso Canto I)
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