Ho impostato la discesa del ”Cubo del Tempo” laddove avrebbe dovuto essere Montford, nel Connecticut… nell’anno 2514 d.C….
Vign. 3:
Dida.: Quattro anni di lavoro segretissimo nel laboratorio governativo avevano dato i loro frutti. Il Cubo funzionava… ma la gente non l’avrebbe mai saputo… fino a quando non fossi tornato…
Ball.: Nasconderò il cubo in questa grotta. Poi effettuerò una piccola esplorazione.

Dida.: I was in a forest. In five hundred years all traces of the city of Montford was gone! ... Suddenly I found myself in a clearing full of ... of DEATH TIGERS!
Ball.: Tigers! A dozen ... and they wear clothes!
Vigna. 2:
Dida.: Suddenly I heard a voice behind me ... A voice from the tone squittente ... I realized when I saw people coming from ...
Ball. 1: It 's been a great battle, sir. The big cats are hard to beat!
Vigna. 3:
Ball. 1: T-you can ... talk?
Ball. 2: Oh, yes ... Your species has left us many things .... language, culture ... ... ...
Vigna. 5:
Ball. 1: And so, the Earth has remained the animals ...
Ball. 2: Someone had to inherit! It 's still a nice place to live, you know?
Vigna. 6:
Dida: There were so many questions to do ... But the awareness the tragic end of humanity had fallen so deeply in me to leave me stunned. I turned to the creature when I heard her chuckle ...
Ball. 1: What's so funny?
Vigna. 7:
Dida.: The lights did not disappear entirely after the shot in the head. I felt pain and I had a glimpse of the land that I was against ...

Dida.: I could only guess the rest ... to be dragged into a sort of tunnel in the ground ... Then I fainted ...
Vigna. 2:
Dida.: If ever there was really a man trapped, well I did. Hammond Drake. I could not tell how deep I had brought. When I awoke, I was facing an inquisition ...
Ball. 1: ... That light hurts the eyes!
Ball. 2: When we say what we want to know ... the switch off!
Vigna. 3:
Ball. 1: What should I tell you ...
Ball. 2: Look at me! You do not have to do with our ancestral forefathers! We think! We will build! We are fighting to dominate the planet ... and with your help we can win!
Vigna. 4:
Ball.1: our network of tunnels around the entire under-surface of the planet! Above, dogs and cats are competing for dominance, and at the moment we are waiting to destroy each other.
Vigna. 5:
Ball. 1: Now, we must not wait any longer ... Not when we can learn how to make atomic bombs!
Ball. 2: Atomic bombs!
Vigna. 6
Ball. 1: Yes! You show him! If you can not ... your journey back in time and find someone who can teach us!
Ball. 2: I do not understand what you mean ...
Vigna. 7:
Ball. 1: Non prenderti gioco di me! Non sei giunto qui con un missile Pogo! La tua specie ha costruito una macchina del tempo… E tu sei il pilota! Adesso, dimmi dove hai nascosto quella macchina!
Vign. 1
Dida: Il piccolo diavolo era in gamba e da quello che si poteva capire dall’aspetto della sua specie… molto cattivo. Ma io mantenni il silenzio.
Ball. 1.: Non vuoi parlare, eh? Ma tu sai che lo farai! Abbiamo studiato i metodi degli antichi nazisti… li ricordi?
Vign. 2:
Dida.: In quel momento, una campana d’allarme entrò in funzione da qualche parte e un’ombra di terrore percorse inquisitor's face ...
Ball. 1: A raid! It 's a raid!
Vigna. 3
Dida.: I did not know what that meant. But I was hoping that was the miracle I had prayed for ...
Ball. 1: In the main cave ... Hurry!
Vigna. 4:
Dida.: But the main cave was already in the hands of the invaders. They were big and fast as lightning and emerging organized with precision by a vehicle headed to drill that had found its way through the underground tunnels. It was a vision that left speechless!
Vigna. 5:
Dida.: The raiders wore a sort of flamethrower. But what was gas leaked from nozzles that held in his hand. Those who held me prisoner were missing and all I could do was cry and cough while the gas enveloped me ...
Vigna. 6:
Dida.: My last memory before plunging to the ground is the shadow figure of one of the invaders that hung over me from the fumes swirling ...
Dida.: I woke up, unexpectedly, in a soft, comfortable bed. I would feel fine if I had not seen the dog, the fox and the bear at my bedside ...
Ball. 1: Amazing! A man ... a real man!
Ball. 2: Fantastic!
Vigna. 2:
Dida.: Suddenly my door was wide open by a big bulldog in military uniform. My guests jumped to attention when he entered. Obviously they all can superceded.
Ball. 1: Beware!
Ball. 2: Rest!
Vigna. 3:
Dida.: They called general ... and walked away when asked respectfully to leave us alone ...
Ball. 1: ... I think that is all about comfort, sir ... You feel better?
Ball. 2: I have been given the best treatment.
Vigna. 4:
Ball. 1; And why not? It 's like to celebrate the return of an old friend, right?
Ball. 2: Tell me about the general ... all these fights ...
Vigna. 5:
Ball. 1: Alas ... Fighting! ... Should find it sad. Anyway, the dog does not fight to subdue ... Fighting to end the natural instinct of the enemy!
Vigna. 6:
Ball. 1: In the beginning we fought against all ... Foxes, bears, wolves! Now, we are allies. You see, you can replace cooperation instead of fear and hate!
Ball. 2: Perhaps you could work with the cats. But with rodents, I ... I ...
Vigna. 7:
Dida.: This species was different and he knew it. Not only cruel and perverse but also too smart! They were the great rivals. In the end, the rodent would have been against the entire animal kingdom!
Ball. 1: Yes they will ... or us! Then there will be peace for ever.
Ball. 2: I think I should promote the victory of your party, General!

Dida.: I meant just that. The Earth was in good hands with a victory for his side! I asked the general to call the head of its scientists ...
Ball. 1: Right! I want the head of department of physics! Tell him that the General would like to see him here soon!
Vig. 2:
Dida.: In the presence of general and its main physics expert, as I wrote on a piece of paper.
Ball. 1: Here are the basic formula and the description of the process ... Now it's up to you!
Vigna. 3:
Ball. 1: I do not know if I do well to do it! I leave a dangerous legacy man and the last witness of his faith in you!
Vigna. 4:
Ball. 1: And now, I will give a last look this world turned into a battlefield and I hope you non-humans do a better job of man.
Vig. 5:
Dida.: I gave my farewell to the general and his colleagues. And he took care that I was led back to where I appeared for the first time. Then, in compliance with our agreement, I was left alone. I took out the time machine ...
Ball. 1: Well, back to the past, Drake. Your place is among men ... even if they are to die!
Vigna. 6:
Dida.: Entrai e presi posto ancora una volta davanti ai controlli…
Ball. 1: Mi chiedo se un altro uomo avrebbe dato loro la bomba atomica…
Vign. 7:
Ball. 1: Penso di sì! E’ meglio che il mondo vada ai cani che a una nidiata di astuti ratti!
Dida.: Lasciai che mi si disegnasse sul volto un sottile sorriso mentre il flusso temporale mi sospingeva nella mia corsa a capofitto alla conquista del mio destino… FINE.
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