Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cubefield Glitches Cheats


Following an article published on this blog, available HERE .

I received some very interesting comments and accessible at the same link. Also provide below my answer so that it can be shared by a wider audience, and then eventually involve other interested parties to give their point of view. Dear
/ a Friend, first of all thank you per gli argomenti proposti, per l'analisi effettuata e per lo stimolo ad una utile discussione che nel nostro intento è veramente costruttiva quando include una varietà di punti di vista. Come studioso di una Cultura Millenaria, tengo a rimarcare il fatto che la Tradizione da noi divulgata non intende sostituire conoscenze acquisite in secoli di studi occidentali, bensì ritengo che possa fornire una prospettiva che integri i risultati ottenuti ad oggi, fornendo un punto di vista utile alla Scienza moderna, non per negarne i risultati, ma appunto per comprenderli e contestualizzarli in una prospettiva olistica, che tenga di conto non solo dell'aspetto fisico e psichico, ma anche e soprattutto spirituale. Aspetto che purtroppo oggi è decisamente trascurato, although it is essential for overall well-being of the person. This is the main purpose of the Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta. That is to say that I agree with most of its analysis, also taking into account the fact that I know and appreciate the work produced by Damasio in his important years of research, although there are many other studies that put some doubts about some of his theories ( http://www.robertoalmada.it/userfiles/file/Antonio 20Damasio% (1). pdf). In him I found several points that can be found in the Psychology of Yoga. For example, Damasio's somatic markers are called "samskaras" in the Science of Yoga, the latent memory traces. Impressions of past actions, such as that of the furrows remain deeply etched in the memory of the subject, of course, causing physical and psychological conditioning. Yoga, therefore, does not deny the allegations you mentioned, but contextualizes and expands. For example, the concept of "mind" western, yoga takes a broader meaning. We talk about the mind (manas) to express the psychic faculty connected to the five senses, a sort of collector of data from elsewhere. He then speaks of intellect (buddhi), as the discerning mental faculties. Then there is the deep mind (karmashaya), which was discovered here in the West to the unconscious, where they live samskaras, latent memories of past experiences that create trends (Vasana) and, in fact, give structure to our personality. Of course there is also the ego (Ahamkara), the distorted view of self, the false identification with body and psyche. These envelopes are to be considered psychic as part of the body (Sharira), although the nature of thin material, which is part of this brain structure. Synapses are like a cog in the body-machine which they are connected in some way give rise to a function-behavior, if they relate to another will result in another feature-behavior. Just like the gears of a machine in which current flows: when connected in some way the gear will produce heat (a stove), when connected to another gear, fresh produce (eg a refrigerator). Engineering forgive me the comparison, but this is what may produce an engineer like me trying to make her understand that the current is always the same one that runs in a refrigerator and a stove that slides! And 'the gear appropriate for the show is (the effect) in different ways. Here for consciousness works the same way (with the appropriate changes in comparison ...). Cited is the pure consciousness of the Atman, the transcendent self, body and psyche as well (yes, there are no 'scientific' evidence of its existence, perhaps, but there are not any scientific evidence of its non-existence ... but on the other Science aside how much of the world still does not know? The empirical vision is so limited!). When the conscience is encapsulated in a matrix material, with all its connections and its synapses, occurs in conditional (the current that produces cold or hot depending on the different gears ...). Pure consciousness, spiritual, is the very essence of life, the love that makes everything in creation, which opposes the effect syntropyc entropic effect of the material. The purpose of life is to regain the treasure that lies just inside us, identify themselves, to put it to Jung, the Kaivalya of Patanjali or the Nirvana of the Buddhists, the discovery of the body of the glory of Christians, etc. .... They are trying to see a little more than the mere empirical aspect, which, mind you, is very useful but not sufficient for a broader and more accurate understanding of the phenomenon of consciousness.


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