Thursday, September 16, 2010

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'THE UNIVERSE FRIEND' by Andrea Boni, based on and inspired by a lecture by Marco Ferrini (Matsyavatara Dasa).

Today, September 14, 2010, I had the fortune to attend a lecture by Marco Ferrini has stimulated in me a reflection that I wish to share with you some passages reporting earnings intervention heard. The universe is intelligent? On this theme have been set out so many theories, sometimes in opposition to each other, which have their origin in the two main strands of thought known respectively as the creationist and evolutionist. According to the principles conveyed by the Hindu-Vedic culture, we can say that yes, the universe is intelligent, but not only is a dear friend. The Universe is really a friend? Yes, it is supremely friend. And all those negative events such as natural disaster, tsunami, abandonment of babies, murders, wars, and more, how do you explain? How does the Universe to be a friend and really allow that? 'S view that shared almost the Universe, the cosmos is order, not chaos, if only for the precise and universal laws that govern everything from the movement of galaxies, the blossoming of a flower in the spring. But not only that. The Universe is a friend because it satisfies our desires sincere, but not selfish. When we put up and identified in our psycho-physical structure, we insist to satisfy the desires that emerge from the sphere of the ego, in fact, rather than feel really satisfied, we find ourselves more unhappy than before. That is why the universe is a dear friend, because the contrast illusion, just like a real friend who wants our good, instead of reinforcing our negative instances, tells us exactly how things are and urges us to overcome our conditioning, to evolve. The evidence we encounter in life are embodied in those who come from a true friend, which spurs us to leave the instrument with which we degrade because his real concern is to see us grow, evolve and mature. Its intelligence is such that every time we put in motion a process degrading the whole universe shows its extraordinary power and willingness to get us, putting us in a position to reflect on our actions. If we know how to deal with the universe and if we agree with it being our first priority is the spiritual evolution, will be our good friend, it is therefore to understand the subtle laws that govern it. In this sense the Hindu-Vedic culture has provided very valuable tools for understanding the dynamics that underlie our actions and their consequences. All this is not to create robots that act in modo meccanico, l'Universo amico non si aspetta questo da noi, bensì ci incoraggia a  coltivare e sviluppare un sano discernimento (tattva viveka) che ci orienti  verso il Bene senza lasciarci inorgoglire dai nostri successi, poiché la superbia e l'orgoglio  rappresentano i più grandi impedimenti alla nostra crescita spirituale. La vera ricchezza risiede infatti nell'umiltà:

Trinad api sunicena taror api sahishnuna amanina manadena kirtaniya sada harih

“I santi Nomi del Signore andrebbero invocati con mente sottomessa, considerando se stessi meno di una paglia sulla strada,
facendosi più tolleranti di un albero, liberi da ogni senso di falso prestigio e sempre pronti a dar rispetto agli altri. In questo stato di coscienza,
sempre si potranno invocare i Santi Nomi del Signore”.
(Sri Sri Shikshashtaka, verso III)

In un solo verso, Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ci fornisce questo semplice e preziosissimo insegnamento che porta al vero successo nella vita spirituale. Se si realizzano questi insegnamenti riuscendo davvero a metterli in pratica, diventiamo capaci di amare e sentiamo l'universo che ci ama, che è intriso di amore e che dispenses infinite satisfaction. Try this satisfaction is not prohibited provided that is lived reciprocate with love, rather giving love even before receiving it. And 'this, in fact, one of the fundamental principles of the universe must have to give. So, the Universe is not only ordered .. He loves us! The divine energy in every atom, every particle. In the Hindu-Vedic terminology this Divine Energy, which is God himself, is shown as the "Vishnu" He who penetrates and permeates everything. In this sense, the religious ritual also helps to achieve this reality, or to hear the Universe as a friend, and through the religious act, such as the invocation or adoration of the Deity Divine Names, in fear because we stopped gradually perceived friendship and kindness everywhere, even if you are aware that in the world there are evil people, poisoned by envy people with diverse problems to be solved, the result of all those accumulated negative instances that impede the process of understanding and harmonization within. But to protect yourself from these negative influences, the best behavior to be implemented is always to offer love, wisdom and love, in any manner or form possible.


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