Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Blocked Nose Blood Morning
as promised, and 'active Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at the Library of the Brenta Canal.
CONVENTION VALSTAGNA between communities, the company
E 'is now widely recognized that the Internet is not a mere communication tool but can play a decisive role in the development of communities and citizens put in a position to have equal economic opportunities, cultural and social
For this reason are developing new demands from both the private and professional users who require the use of so-called "mobile connectivity", ie the use of the Internet and its services through portable devices like laptops and PDAs;
The study of different experiences in these years have been realized in many cities and territories in Italy and abroad confirms the tendency of local governments in the development of technology in Wi-Fi networks in management and / or public scrutiny to allow free access (or particularly favorable conditions citizens);
Even the 'Municipal Administration VALSTAGNA aims at promoting the Wi-Fi service in the territory City, drawing on the contribution conceptual, organizational and economic enterprises and associations;
The purpose of the agreement is to create a public hot-spot for ' access to the Internet without payment of the municipal library in City of VALSTAGNA;
Access will be free after the hot-spot identification of the applicant to the operator via SMS TELEMAR as required by applicable law .
The facilities will be located at appropriate facilities made available by the City of VALSTAGNA and supervised technicians appointed by the municipality itself.
Telemar spa will handle the entire infrastructure no cost to the Administration ;
will ensure continuity in the provision of services by providing appropriate support to users by providing help-desk facilities, maintenance of active and passive facilities and technical assistance for the duration of 'Agreement;
make a user management system that complies with the requirements of law;
will provide, upon request of the Administration, the statistical data necessary for making access of the studies referred to in the introduction;
The There is no charge for the user (citizen or tourist) that connects to net per package for navigation where the navigation package includes Internet access net duration of two hours can also be used in a split. The free service will be provided for the period of thirty-six months from the activation of the plant. Telemar SpA may use such private sponsorship to cover the costs of operating the service.
This is the first of three sections that provide, as he reiterated the Department of Culture, the coverage for the new Community Centre, the Piazza San Marco and then to Via Roma and Via Capovilla all up to the field canoe race and sports facilities.
Another great piece after the reorganization technological structures throughout the town and waiting to build a new media room, already designed for the Library.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pregnant Pain Below Left Shoulder
In the resort town of Valstagna will be made in the rockfall, but without having to open a kind of hollow placeIl progetto è pronto, manca soltanto il via libera della Sovrintendenza ai beni ambientali, dopo di che la parete che racchiude l'abitato di Valstagna, nella località nota come Lora Bassa, e che da sempre continua a creare non poche preoccupazioni agli abitanti delle case sottostanti, potrà finalmente essere messa in sicurezza. Si tratta di un intervento importante la cui spesa sarà a carico della Provincia per la bellezza di un milione 326 mila euro circa. Di quest'opera c'eravamo già interessati lo scorso anno quando l'Amministrazione valstagnese e la popolazione avevano fatto quadrato contro la prima proposta di progetto per la sistemazione dell'area. Si provides for the creation of a range of about five hundred meters in length to achieve which would have had to remove half a million cubic meters of material. All this would mean the daily presence from fifty to 150 trucks per day, for several years, along the back roads up area of \u200b\u200bthe common people of the valley, the provincial government and Campesan Valsugana. To mitigate this impact had also thought of installing a cable car, by Lora down through the river to get trucks full of material at the old power station in the territory of San Nazario. After a series of meetings with the then provincial commissioner on soil conservation, Constantine Toniolo, and population, has come to a different setting of the work. In fact the project, prepared by Ing. Stevan John, engineer of the Province, provides that there are measures in place without removal of stones or earth. "We decided to proceed with the installation of a whole series of lines rockfall - explains the designer - not just a consolidation in the wall with the system of networks that are able to reduce the volumes of hypothetical collapse. The lines will also affect the terraced retaining walls higher. Everything is ready and we are just waiting for the approval of environmental goods because we are in an area subject to landscape. As soon as the clearance will proceed with the final project resulting in a contract of work. " Former councilor Toniolo, hours spent in the region, announced the start of work by the end of summer and Eng. Stevan, in fact, confirmed. One thing is certain and that is that will not be removed even a crumb of the material who has accumulated over the centuries behind these walls. "There will be a final solution - the mayor of Valstagna Angelo Moro - but certainly would not have accepted a devastating impact. For four or five years we had to endure the continuous passage of hundreds of trucks on our streets. " long il Comune di Valstagna sta premendo perché la Provincia intervenga al fine di risolvere un problema particolarmente delicato per l'incolumità degli abitanti. Ricordiamo che nel 1992, una frana ha provocato non poca paura ai residenti delle case sotto località Loro Bassa. Dei massi sono precipitati dalla parete rocciosa tranciando i fili della luce, invadendo la provinciale Campesana e, alcuni, finendo in Brenta. Fortunatamente i sassi caduti non hanno colpito né le case né le persone, ma il pericolo è incombente. È lo stesso pericolo che corrono i residenti della zona del Saccon, proprio a ridosso del centro di Cismon del Grappa. Anche qui è già pronto il progetto per la sistemazione della parete che si eleva fra il torrente Cismon e la "Gusella". «Stiamo procedendo di pari passo con la progettazione di Valstagna - spiega l'ing. Stevan - e anche in questo caso si lavorerà installando delle barriere paramassi senza bisogno di asportare il materiale alla base delle pareti». Per quest'operazione la spesa si aggirerà attorno ai 462 mila euro. La Domenica di Vicenza nr. 17 anno XV dell'8 maggio 2010 |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Scuba Nitrogen Tank Filling
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Employment Agreement Template Restaurant
Trinad api sunicena taror api sahishnuna amanina manadena kirtaniya sada harih
(Sri Sri Shikshashtaka, verso III)
In un solo verso, Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ci fornisce questo semplice e preziosissimo insegnamento che porta al vero successo nella vita spirituale. Se si realizzano questi insegnamenti riuscendo davvero a metterli in pratica, diventiamo capaci di amare e sentiamo l'universo che ci ama, che è intriso di amore e che dispenses infinite satisfaction. Try this satisfaction is not prohibited provided that is lived reciprocate with love, rather giving love even before receiving it. And 'this, in fact, one of the fundamental principles of the universe must have to give. So, the Universe is not only ordered .. He loves us! The divine energy in every atom, every particle. In the Hindu-Vedic terminology this Divine Energy, which is God himself, is shown as the "Vishnu" He who penetrates and permeates everything. In this sense, the religious ritual also helps to achieve this reality, or to hear the Universe as a friend, and through the religious act, such as the invocation or adoration of the Deity Divine Names, in fear because we stopped gradually perceived friendship and kindness everywhere, even if you are aware that in the world there are evil people, poisoned by envy people with diverse problems to be solved, the result of all those accumulated negative instances that impede the process of understanding and harmonization within. But to protect yourself from these negative influences, the best behavior to be implemented is always to offer love, wisdom and love, in any manner or form possible.