Aspiration intimate of each is towards unity, integration personality on the basis of authentic values, to feel fully satisfied and achieve its original nature, the spiritual. For this data can be a profound work of destruction of the conditions and the harmonization within. The Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta serves this purpose. The aim can be achieved if they are internalized the universal values \u200b\u200bof love and wisdom through study and practice of life. In our lives we are often faced with difficult problems: one of us proposed a solution and another part of us reject it. Since the deep desire of everyone to be happy is to realize aspirations, should question about why we often fail to do and be as in depth. Even when we feel intense emotions joyously hard to make constant, and often turn into their opposite: sadness, loss, confusion. Often what seemed a goal turns out to be an empty casket: yet another mirage of happiness. Many people are born and die without knowing the lasting joy and satisfaction you want from life. Bhakti-Vedanta tradition teaches that this is the result of incorrect knowledge of reality, because the human being perceives illusory, not conscious of its true nature, research in the wrong mode essential happiness. Happiness is not a mirage: there. The problem arises when we seek it where it is not. Our true nature will not be discovered even if we know the subject in its more micro or macroscopic, simply because we are not limited to: spirit. In the late fifties of last century, science has found an energy that operates somewhat differently from matter "known" and what has been called "anti-matter." But there is another energy, which is traditionally called "spiritual" (brahman, atman), which is categorically than any other form of matter and anti-matter, it gives life and consciousness that antimatter is to matter, and può prenderne consapevolezza non oggettivamente attraverso il cosiddetto "metodo sperimentale", bensì soggettivamente, attraverso l'introspezione. L'energia spirituale può essere infatti esperita attraverso un percorso scientificamente fondato che, a differenza del modello positivistico, si basa su processi introspettivi quali la preghiera, la meditazione e l'agire in spirito d'offerta a Dio. Attraverso il processo yogico (bhakti-yoga) di trasformazione della coscienza possiamo entrare in contatto con la nostra matrice spirituale (atman). Ci sono vari sentieri che conducono ai picchi luminosi della coscienza e alla realizzazione della nostra natura divina, che aspettano solo di essere scoperti e percorsi. Trasformiamoci dunque in esseri alati to reach those high peaks - places but not logos - where you can achieve all the aspirations of immortality, freedom, wisdom and love. The search for God is the first duty of human life. Establish a loving relationship with Him, all creatures and creation is the ultimate goal: the evolutionary goal of universal man. Then our lives can be designed for this purpose.
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