A couple of weeks ago, during the talk show Year Zero, the physicist Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Prize winner explains why Italy's not economical to re-open the doors to nuclear energy.
Rubbia no climbs in flights of fancy, mind the concrete, try to list the logical and substantive reasons.
Rubbia is a physical, Rubbia a Nobel prize, it is assumed that Rubbia know how to split a four-proton or an electron as well as us, at home, we load and tightened a coffeemaker.
If someone like to tell us certain things Rubbia there stremma silent. If we had some misgivings, we would present them to him politely, involving them, perhaps, a civil conversation. Instead

Rubbia, sheet in hand, trying to reason with an education that is almost tender and Belpietro - a gentleman that serves no one in the pay of Skynet from Terminator-Berlusconi-treat it with enough air, not at all disguised by arrogance, by grimace of derisione e sventolando la bandiera del pro-nucleare.
Uno scribacchino contro un premio Nobel, un lacché contro un uomo di ricerca.
A Belpietro dedico il calembour che informa questo post: You're just a ridicolous strontium dog... .

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