few days ago I reviewed Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia! Sam Peckinpah movie with all its faults and its maddening slowness is a masterpiece.

For those who love the borderline territories, then, those places that emerge from the most individual moods' which by their clear aesthetic and cultural connotation, I want Head of Alfredo Garcia! equivalent to a trip in the suburbs forgotten soul, a fading inexorably through the maze of life.
screw failed, violence can not be deleted, tender love and turbid, victims and deaths, guns, power, arrogance and a Mexico putrid yet beautiful, everything you need to open a hole through which to escape and find themselves without losing more '.
The vision of the film Peckinpah made me go back to the memory Voices , song and video very 80's Russ Ballard that probably only with the rights to this piece - even if he has written songs for groups famous - will unsubstantiated great for years
Il video di Voices rappresenta l'anello di congiunzione tra Voglio la testa di Garcia! e quel film tanto visivamente raffinato quanto sbagliatissimo che รจ Revenge di Tony Scott.
Solo recentemente le peculiari visioni messicane di Peckinpah hanno trovato un degno e originale interprete.
Procuratevi Le tre sepolture di Tommy Lee Jones e commuovetevi davanti alle immagini di una delle pellicole americane piu' belle e significative degli ultimi vent'anni anni.

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