Monday, June 28, 2010

Watch Ross Kemp On Gangs Online Why Americas

Valstagna sports

Domenica 27 giugno si è svolta la prova di Valstagna del GP di ciclismo Comunità Montana del Brenta.

Record di iscritti e di partecipanti (quasi 150) per questa gara della categoria allievi a cui l'Amministrazione Comunale ha creduto

anche con un nuovo traguardo, presso il ponte Rialto, riempendo ancora una volta la nostra riviera.

Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno collaborato, dagli sponsor (Rondellificio Valbrenta, infissi Moro e imballaggi Scremin) ai numerosi volontari.

Il successo is dedicated to you.

more photos, click here

Friday, June 25 also ended the football tournament in five of Costa

Alpine Cavalli dedicated to the late lamented Richard Wax and Ugo

The National won the final

more photos, click here

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trimetazidine Dihydrochloride France

HIGH TECH, Servant of Two Masters. 'I-SYNDROME BY PHONE AT THE SURFACE' REPORTS virtual mass' (PART THREE) Catherine Carloni.

The latest research comes from the microprocessor giant Intel, which has just introduced a software able to guess very accurately what a person is thinking through the analysis of his brain activity. The system was demonstrated for the first time at Tech Heaven in New York, but the technique is still in a development phase. The program was developed by Intel is connected to a device for magnetic resonance imaging. For a subject is asked to think of a number of common names suggested by a researcher. The algorithm associated with each word the areas of the brain that are activated when they are conceived. Subsequently, the subject is asked to think of a word previously suggested to him. If the research goes forward, it will be possible to control a computer without using a keyboard, mouse or touch screen. But the fallout would be most important in assisting people with severe disabilities or physical impairments, that could recover a partial self-sufficiency maneuvering wheelchairs by thought, speech synthesizers and other instruments of physical assistance. Technological change is certainly a valuable asset for all. The only risk is that, to paraphrase the funny comedy Goldoni, becomes an instrument in the service of two masters ill-advised: on the one hand, the pleasure that blunts, confusing, numb, loosen the connection with oneself and, ultimately, undermines our most genuine human and spiritual resources, and secondly the progress that separates man from his center, the fragmented and sectoral Medicine, which identifies the segment in the life of birth-death by depriving it of its evolutionary function, Welfare metacorporea decoupled from its size, reduced to "adjustments" to physical manipulation and virtual, in which the psychological health is reduced to an exercise in social normalization. The psychological health and plasticity, dynamics, transcendence from the narrow confines of the ego, is expansion of self, an experience of traveling to unknown territories and magic to return to the Supreme Source, is its exploration of the unique and unrepeatable essence. And 'Love at the highest level, given and received without conditions or constraints. "But with the inzegno no val noffink Amor / To saucy cause de Cupido / No I am a servant of patrons do / But I will servant of those who hear me, "said the mask of the great Venetian playwright. Why we do bring a real benefit to ourselves and those around us, whatever means we have portentous, it is critical to master as we offer our services and how feeling. No progress is possible without a conscience enlightened by spiritual values. Technological progress has allowed to break down many barriers and pave the way for global communication, but it could raise more subtle and invisible walls inside our soul. The path of Bhakti (love of service to the Creator and His creatures) helps us to remember that the entire universe is permeated generated and reabsorbed da un’unica potente energia d’Amore da cui noi tutti proveniamo e verso cui noi tutti tendiamo: Shri Krishna. Onorare questa grande forza è il segreto per ottenere tutti i più autentici e durevoli benefici dell’esistenza.

Krishna stesso nella Bhagavad Gita ci ricorda che non è necessario fare chissà quali opere, ma ciò che è importante è la motivazione che ci spinge all'azione:

Patram pushpam phalam toyam
Yo me bhaktya prayacchati
Tad aham bhakty-upahrtam
Ashnami prayatatmanah

“Se qualcuno Mi offre con amore e devozione [bhakti] una foglia, un fiore, un frutto o dell'acqua, accetterò la sua offerta”. Bhagavad Gita XI.26

Yat karoshi yad ashnasi
Yaj juhoshi dadasi
yat Yat Tat tapasyasi kaunteya
kurushva mad-arpanam

"Whatever you do, whatever you eat, and offer sacrifice in love, as well as austerity COMPI, offer everything to Me, O son of Kunti, "says the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Bhagavad-gita IX.27.

that all our activities, worldly, spiritual and virtual or an offer to the One who is the Source of all happiness.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Adjusting Radiator In Apartment

HIGH TECH, Servant of Two Masters. 'I-SYNDROME BY PHONE AT THE SURFACE' REPORTS virtual mass' (PART TWO) Catherine Carloni.

The increasingly widespread use of computers in their work, hobbies such as games and activities on social networking sites are one of the causes major epidemic of obesity that is lashing the developed countries. But not for physical inactivity - or at least not only - but the effects of computers on the brain. Supports the prestigious Royal Institution of Great Britain, the oldest academy of public scientific research in the world. Baroness Susan Greenfield, director of the Royal Institution, argues that the constant use of computers 'infantile' the brain making it more difficult to learn to overcome difficulties and mistakes: "When a child falls from a tree, learned to not repeat the mistake, and if a mistake during a game, simply continue a giocare. La parte del cervello coinvolta nell’attenzione, nell’empatia e nell’immaginazione – la corteccia pre-frontale – potrebbe non svilupparsi correttamente nei bambini troppo informatici” minaccia la Greenfield. “E poiché negli obesi questa zona cerebrale è spesso poco attiva, il legame tra uso eccessivo del computer e obesità potrebbe essere a livello cerebrale, producendo meno percezione del rischio, più abuso di junk-food e stili di vita poco salutari(1)”. Un nuovo studio pubblicato da un professore di psicologia statunitense pone l'accento su quello che ritiene essere un vero e proprio profilo clinico: quello del gamer patologico. La ricerca è stata effettuata presso il “National Institute on Media and the Family "and decreed that at least one in ten respondents has actual pathological symptoms that go far beyond simple addiction, coming to radically change the individual and social, and character. The study, carried out by analyzing the responses from 1,178 young people aged between 8 and 18 years, identified a rate equal to 8.5% of respondents as pathological gamers, "that is six victims of pathological symptoms reported by the DSM II These are: relevance (the activity tends to dominate the video game's life), euphoria (relief act videogame that allows you to set aside unpleasant feelings), tolerance (the extension also in intensity of the experience over time), abstinence (the individual tends to be restless or dissatisfied if he can not play), conflict (the activity tends to be in conflict with everyday activities such as studying, interpersonal relationships) and, Finally, reticence (the pathological gamers tend to keep playing even in the presence of explicit prohibitions of self-imposed abstinence). Douglas Gentile, a professor of psychology at Iowa State University who led the study, said: " Dependence on video games can be a real form that causes damage to the pathological features of the individual." As for benefits, the studies are still on High Tech the beginning and need further confirmation. For example, we recently developed a new software rehabilitation for people affected by brain lesions called COG.ITO, funded by Fondazione CRT, promoted by Fondazione Onlus ASPHI and designed by neuropsychologists and speech therapists Presidium Health San Camillo di Torino. The software, introduced for the first time in Italy 15 October 2009, at Beyond Paralympics, the week commissioned by Fondazione CRT to talk, discuss, propose initiatives to support people with disabilities, is available free of charge and open source distributed copyleft licensed, downloaded from the website. In a special issue of the journal CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking ", several studies have been published on the use of virtual reality as a therapy to remove the scars of psychological trauma - for example, the traumatic effects of an earthquake. "Virtual reality," said Brenda Wiederhold, director of the magazine, "immerses the patient who suffers from post-traumatic stress in a fictional world where the person lives in a controlled trauma. Virtual stimuli reminiscent of the traumatic event in which the patient and 'got caught up to the individual, perhaps acting through his avatar, learn to not associate those stimuli with something more frightening and anxiety, managing to break free fear in the real world. "COSPATIAL" just started a European project, coordinated by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, dedicated to the development of collaborative technologies for the promotion of social skills by children with typical development or autism, are trying to create technological tools to foster the development of communication skills in children and contribute to the cognitive and social development in general, coming in particular to meet the high expectations of parents of autistic children. In particular, COSPATIAL be directed toward two types of technologies that previous studies have shown good potential in improving social skills: collaborative virtual environments and shared active surfaces.

(1) F. Macrae 'Do you have Facebook flab? Computer Use Could make you eat too much, Professor Warns'. Daily Mail 15/05/2009.

Review Gordon Spotting Scope


forgive an injustice not only symbolically raises awareness, but scientifically it helps you get better: this is shown by functional magnetic resonance imaging, at least according to research conducted by the Department diMedicina laboratory and molecular diagnostics' s University Hospital of Pisa entitled 'The Moral Brain: an fMRI study of the neural bases of forgiveness and unforgiveness in humans', which won first prize for young researchers from the 'FGB'. In the study researchers have used methods of functional brain magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the brain basis underlying distinct moral choices. "We asked ourselves - says Joseph Rota, a research fellow in the laboratory of Professor Pietrini and first author of the research - what happens in the brain when an individual who has been wronged by a person who is bound to decide how to overcome conflict , whether or not to forgive the person. " Studying the functional connections of the brain in different situations, researchers have shown that complex networks of brain areas involved in decision-making, in theories of mind and emotion regulation interact intensely with each other in making either decision. "Forgiving allows to overcome an impasse that, if continued, would lead otherwise to an alteration of homeostasis of the individual biochemical and psychological, "says Emily Richards, co-author of the study. In practice, the circuits involved in empathy are called into question when you forgive, as if 'step into the shoes of others' could help to understand the reasons of those who have offended and, therefore, to forgive.