The Sunset Zone: Joe Jackson and Toto
What a sunset? What is Twilight?
Beyond the scientific definitions, it is unnecessary to provide a groped response. The sunset and dusk are the soul that everyone feels in his own way.
Yet anyone who has managed to capture the full essence, emotional these particular times of day.
If you ask me what it meant to live early adolescence in the early eighties, what it was before sunset and at dusk, I could not help but remind you that the video of Steve Barron.
Barron was one of the encoders of the modern language of the video clips: his work for "Steppin 'Out" Joe Jackson is at the service of a great song - contained in an album as great if not indispensable, Night & Day - perfectly communicating the "full meaning" time of dusk and the unfolding of a beautiful night in New York.
Then there's "Rosanna" by Toto that can like and dislike, but whose video is an invaluable document for understanding how the magic of sunset and twilight - filtered through a devastated urban landscape in the expansion phase, a prelude to the future - be perceived quarter of a century ago, affecting the visions of the collective.
The first step of the instrumental piece made history and is a sort of Proustian madeleine for anyone who lived through that period.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Erdrich Mad Dog Biting Myself
More about superheroes
Luca Miele is a reporter for Future with which I was able to communicate in more than one occasion.
Luca greatly appreciated Superheroes and Superpowers , my book on American superheroes, and has repeatedly pointed out that it is through print online.
few weeks ago I requested an interview for the online magazine BombaCarta and I - having the high quality of his questions - I was delighted to accept. The
find exactly here.
If you like, good reading.
Adrian Tranquilli's work is taken from the site

Luca greatly appreciated Superheroes and Superpowers , my book on American superheroes, and has repeatedly pointed out that it is through print online.
few weeks ago I requested an interview for the online magazine BombaCarta and I - having the high quality of his questions - I was delighted to accept. The
find exactly here.
If you like, good reading.
Adrian Tranquilli's work is taken from the site
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hours Of Completion Template Letters
Karma School
Well, I admit it: I never talk to school (which is also an integral part of my life if not essential).
not doing it because I generally resort to cliches.
say that I love the relationship with students - that when it works, what makes a teacher of crafts the world's best - and I hate everything that revolves around the education institutions.
The following story was published in La Repubblica (Naples edition) on 8 August 2007, generated some strong reaction to object to the content.
The only thing I can add is that I was flowing from the heart when one day - during my one year of teaching at middle school - I realized the degree of depletion and / or presumption that affected many professors.
was a collection of frustrated wannabe and that pass before my eyes every day: exhausted mothers, failed writers, people who are mentally unstable people on the brink of burn-out , etc.. to play a key role in a difficult environment - the eastern outskirts of Naples - dominated by logic and subcultures Camorra.
And clung desperately at all (ten) addressed to trade union meetings and on festival days as a lifesaver because of which escape for a while.
Good reading.

not doing it because I generally resort to cliches.
say that I love the relationship with students - that when it works, what makes a teacher of crafts the world's best - and I hate everything that revolves around the education institutions.
The following story was published in La Repubblica (Naples edition) on 8 August 2007, generated some strong reaction to object to the content.
The only thing I can add is that I was flowing from the heart when one day - during my one year of teaching at middle school - I realized the degree of depletion and / or presumption that affected many professors.
was a collection of frustrated wannabe and that pass before my eyes every day: exhausted mothers, failed writers, people who are mentally unstable people on the brink of burn-out , etc.. to play a key role in a difficult environment - the eastern outskirts of Naples - dominated by logic and subcultures Camorra.
And clung desperately at all (ten) addressed to trade union meetings and on festival days as a lifesaver because of which escape for a while.
Good reading.
Karma school
A Sandro Onofri
not take it anymore! They have become impossible! Whenever I'm in class some tragedy has to happen! They should be attached with the strings on the chairs and instead they go running around without anyone doing anything!
Want to know what happened? And mo 'I'll explain so you understand well the trouble that one is likely to pass! That
Sciardelli Nora Elefante, what is believed so beautiful, she started to make a fool Two-faced with Giancarlo, that guappetto II F that the father takes control the mental health center (and that already tells you everything ...). Anyway - it is, as it is not - at some point someone sends for Nora in class while I was there to give lessons. And I cracked cracked, I made out well. But not I used to think that these unfortunate chickens that other class of ... what? The IC? Mica I thought that those of the IC wanted to take in poker?!
Outside the hall is the successful end of the world: the idiots who snatch the hair between them, they ran to the caretakers who could share, colleagues who came out of the classroom and they were like the cod, the guys who were screaming like savages and catch it again with all mobile phones (Rascals, bums, criminals, all of them, than they are ...).
And me? I screamed to stop and fill up those words and maybe the hands that are like vajasse: "Mild 'to Mieze", "You will' 'na ho!", "I'll limbs." But you understand? They have thirteen years each and are already doing the slut with the boys!
And in all this you think the president has some measure blindside? But no, everything's normal! To suspend not even mentioned! In fact, very nearly was not my fault!
I'm tired, tired, tired of everything. But tell me: Who am I doing this? I keep my husband who is an accountant and, optionally, I could be quiet at home watching my chores and make the life of the lady. And instead? Instead I have to get up every morning - very early because I was given an uncivil time - to come to this school of shit useless to fight the battles for those who give me four shillings per month. And to think that it's only for a sense of mission, to bring a bit 'of knowledge to those who really need and would rather
cares ... I have taught my children respect, education and the importance of the study : they know that if they behave well I send them everywhere. And in fact go to the gym, a dance school, a school of English ... We are both in the aggregate beautiful groups of Vomero-good, high-ranking people: you can already see that want to rise, already are building the future. Not like these scoundrels here that are good only to sell vegetables in the market and live in the bass! If the search for their condition, it is useless to complain that they are.
them to him I would say four things to the headmaster when he says that I am to have no pulse, that I am I missing too! And God forbid that I could even be back! Another little 'and here you can not even go to pee, as in the factories of the nineteenth century! I could be a research assistant at this university, but school! At school I'm there just because I'm married and I wanted to do for children, nothing else. But these people so mocciosetti of how-to-be - the best of them take at least one affected family member - are making me lose all my class and my refinement.
I was full of enthusiasm when I started teaching, had a comfortable job: bestowed culture, I earned the money without asking my husband so I could pass me a whim, I kept the afternoon free to relax and take care of things at home. But everything has changed: now there are suggestions of class, controconsigli, teachers, school-parent meetings, minutes (which, as I teach Italian, regularly touching to me), maps and cartuscelle, mess that will not tell you ... And most importantly, there are the shameless, immoral at all levels, among students but also between colleagues who think that certain facts do not always relate well to them.
But how can you go to a school that works well? No, no, no longer do. Tuesday we took advantage of that is a good trade union conference in the last two hours so the scappotto me and I'm going to do some 'shopping in Via Chiaia the face of the principal, colleagues and friends singer. At least the union is something every now and then. Then I take
certainly another twenty sick days, so I wake up late, I enjoy some nice spring day, I cook, I invite some friends buraco at home playing and who we have seen we have seen. Because if we do not take care of themselves ...
make me laugh when they complain that the school does not work ... but if they are the ones that force you to do so! We teachers are people graduate, but instead, it seems, we have taken to miners. I, with her husband, a professional to do the digging tunnels! They're kidding, did not understand anything. If you do not grant me my rights, my rights to say that I take them alone.
Yes, yes, do this: twenty more days of sick leave and then there are the bridge on 25 April and 1 May. This year my husband, me and the boys have decided to go visit Barcelona and Madrid with some friends. We're going to breathe a bit 'different air, outside Italy.
and then once a turn and reach even the summer holidays. I swore to myself that I would have been for a month and a half lying on a deckchair on the beach at Diamond. And, if all goes well, maybe we'll even beat it a week Alpitour the village of Taormina.
I can not wait. So I really
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Why The 12 On The Alabama Football Helmet
Shame on you, Mr. Mastella - Part 2
He did.
Svicolatosi by the government, Mastella decided to bring along the Philistines into the abyss. With his wife
ee UDEUR large exponents in Campania under investigation, troubled by the lack of "friendship" manifested by PD (only because several members of Veltroni's party refused to make it due to sycophancy Porta a Porta Vespa), concerned the debate on an electoral law that threatens to cut him out of contention (and therefore not count as a cock, as it should be, with his poor wretch 2%), the disheartened Mastella finished with a mandate to Prodi.
Forgetting, however, that Prodi makes us the figure of the great statesman. Used to juggle in a coalition often in confusion, great leader despite pitfalls, stumbling and mistakes, rather than resign immediately Prodi's resignation to the President of the Republic, addresses the Parliament with a noble speech and decides to play everything all in one sublime "Gunfight at the OK Corrall. Step
genius: If things go well, Prodi takes a revenge epic and final annihilation of the ball fallen Mastella. If it's bad, the prime minister does not end but ditched explodes in a bright Ragnarok that will be remembered in history.
bad figure, however, continue to get a bit 'all the parties of the Left, by the capricious and deadly PD atherosclerotic exponents of Italian Communists, Rifondazione Comunista and the Greens.
Beautiful picture (a surprise), however, for the youngest son of Mastella, a dignified young man who responds with firmness and elegance to the provocation idiot (not open to criticism - what ever - but idiots) that program sent a pseudo-progressive who is Reservoir Dogs.
He did.
Svicolatosi by the government, Mastella decided to bring along the Philistines into the abyss. With his wife
ee UDEUR large exponents in Campania under investigation, troubled by the lack of "friendship" manifested by PD (only because several members of Veltroni's party refused to make it due to sycophancy Porta a Porta Vespa), concerned the debate on an electoral law that threatens to cut him out of contention (and therefore not count as a cock, as it should be, with his poor wretch 2%), the disheartened Mastella finished with a mandate to Prodi.
Forgetting, however, that Prodi makes us the figure of the great statesman. Used to juggle in a coalition often in confusion, great leader despite pitfalls, stumbling and mistakes, rather than resign immediately Prodi's resignation to the President of the Republic, addresses the Parliament with a noble speech and decides to play everything all in one sublime "Gunfight at the OK Corrall. Step
genius: If things go well, Prodi takes a revenge epic and final annihilation of the ball fallen Mastella. If it's bad, the prime minister does not end but ditched explodes in a bright Ragnarok that will be remembered in history.

bad figure, however, continue to get a bit 'all the parties of the Left, by the capricious and deadly PD atherosclerotic exponents of Italian Communists, Rifondazione Comunista and the Greens.
Beautiful picture (a surprise), however, for the youngest son of Mastella, a dignified young man who responds with firmness and elegance to the provocation idiot (not open to criticism - what ever - but idiots) that program sent a pseudo-progressive who is Reservoir Dogs.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Cervical Mucus Just Prior To Period
Battle Pope
The Pope in our country has a limitless freedom of expression.
He is allowed to say all can shoot anything - from the biggest bullshit in the greatest truth - of course the Italian media, obsequious and subservient, fully bring back every single word.
Benedict XVI is a reactionary bigot fighter willing to perform in dogmatic conceptual delusions. But those dogmatic delusions may have conceptual a sounding board without limits.
The TG1, first, that dedication to the Holy See at least 5 minutes of daily services for each major issue. Even when there is nothing to report.
The TG2, ready to get up to scratch a impallinare Adriano Sofri guilty of intellectually countered - and with great civilizations - some considerations Ratzinger on the figure of Jesus of Nazareth. All
deployment telegiornalistico Berlusconi: Catholicism and asses in the wind, as it should be.
An Italian Parliament often willing to doorstep and ready to respond uncritically to the dictates of well-Tiber
Now that Benedict XVI sia stato impedito di andare all’Università La Sapienza è una palla di proporzioni bibliche (!).
Non è vero che c’erano problemi di sicurezza – smentiti ufficialmente da Palazzo Chigi e dal Ministero degli Interni – e se ci fosse andato avrebbe potuto parlare, nonostante gli eventuali contestatori.
Il problema per il Papa era solo ed esclusivamente mediatico.
Il Santo Padre è un’autorità spirituale la cui immagine per funzionare ha bisogno di un minimo di ieraticità e di scene di massa grondanti consenso incondizionato.
Fateci caso: il Papa viene ripreso da solo, nell’intimità (anche domestica), durante i suoi incontri con capi di stato ed esponenti politici e della società umilmente prostrati, idolatrato da bagni di folle urlanti.
Il Papa non viene mai posto in una situazione di confronto dialettico, men che mai aspro o conflittuale.
Alla Sapienza il rischio era quello di porre Ratzinger di fronte a una situazione di conflitto che avrebbe promulgato dei messaggi pericolosissimi per il Vaticano.
Quello che il Papa è apertamente contestabile.
Quello che se contesti il Papa poi non sei colpito da fulmini divini.
Quello che se per farti ascoltare – visto che il Papa ha centinaia di telecamere che lo seguono giornalmente mentre tu nessuna – devi urlare contro il Papa per rendere noto a lui e ad altri that dogmas are not part of university education and therefore a religious Catholic reactionary and arrogant has nothing to teach you, then does not materialize the face of God condemns some to spit in the face after death.
Not a Catholic, I really loved the figure of Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I and that at a hearing even came to condemn the concept of private property.
But that combine anti-Ratzinger, the Pope passing victim of anti-democracy and then bask lemmings than 200,000 flocked to St. Peter's Square to pay him a solidarity ill spent, it really is an insufferable character that enriches a pantheon di personalità pubbliche altrettanto insopportabili.
Battle Pope è una creazione di Robert Kirkman e Tony Moore.

He is allowed to say all can shoot anything - from the biggest bullshit in the greatest truth - of course the Italian media, obsequious and subservient, fully bring back every single word.
Benedict XVI is a reactionary bigot fighter willing to perform in dogmatic conceptual delusions. But those dogmatic delusions may have conceptual a sounding board without limits.
The TG1, first, that dedication to the Holy See at least 5 minutes of daily services for each major issue. Even when there is nothing to report.
The TG2, ready to get up to scratch a impallinare Adriano Sofri guilty of intellectually countered - and with great civilizations - some considerations Ratzinger on the figure of Jesus of Nazareth. All
deployment telegiornalistico Berlusconi: Catholicism and asses in the wind, as it should be.
An Italian Parliament often willing to doorstep and ready to respond uncritically to the dictates of well-Tiber
Now that Benedict XVI sia stato impedito di andare all’Università La Sapienza è una palla di proporzioni bibliche (!).
Non è vero che c’erano problemi di sicurezza – smentiti ufficialmente da Palazzo Chigi e dal Ministero degli Interni – e se ci fosse andato avrebbe potuto parlare, nonostante gli eventuali contestatori.
Il problema per il Papa era solo ed esclusivamente mediatico.
Il Santo Padre è un’autorità spirituale la cui immagine per funzionare ha bisogno di un minimo di ieraticità e di scene di massa grondanti consenso incondizionato.
Fateci caso: il Papa viene ripreso da solo, nell’intimità (anche domestica), durante i suoi incontri con capi di stato ed esponenti politici e della società umilmente prostrati, idolatrato da bagni di folle urlanti.
Il Papa non viene mai posto in una situazione di confronto dialettico, men che mai aspro o conflittuale.
Alla Sapienza il rischio era quello di porre Ratzinger di fronte a una situazione di conflitto che avrebbe promulgato dei messaggi pericolosissimi per il Vaticano.
Quello che il Papa è apertamente contestabile.
Quello che se contesti il Papa poi non sei colpito da fulmini divini.
Quello che se per farti ascoltare – visto che il Papa ha centinaia di telecamere che lo seguono giornalmente mentre tu nessuna – devi urlare contro il Papa per rendere noto a lui e ad altri that dogmas are not part of university education and therefore a religious Catholic reactionary and arrogant has nothing to teach you, then does not materialize the face of God condemns some to spit in the face after death.
Not a Catholic, I really loved the figure of Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I and that at a hearing even came to condemn the concept of private property.
But that combine anti-Ratzinger, the Pope passing victim of anti-democracy and then bask lemmings than 200,000 flocked to St. Peter's Square to pay him a solidarity ill spent, it really is an insufferable character that enriches a pantheon di personalità pubbliche altrettanto insopportabili.

Battle Pope è una creazione di Robert Kirkman e Tony Moore.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Guitar Hero 3 Installation Was Interrupted
Shame on you, Mr. Mastella
Clemente Mastella non è un criminale: è peggio.
Un criminale possiede una sua dimensione di cattiveria, ha un suo stile, contro di lui puoi soccombere, ma puoi anche combatterlo se possiedi palle a sufficienza.
Mastella, invece è un grasso magna-magna , un omiciattolo con un distorto, perverso senso della politica, uno che mette su un gigantesco sistema di raccomandazioni e facilitazioni ed è convinto di non star facendo nulla di anormale.
Semplicemente "Because everyone in politics, do so."
Mastella has no genuine ideological beliefs: each time the UDEUR the Congress Party, the main leaders of the two sides go on pilgrimage to smooth the coat worn as the eighteenth century fops. Why
Mastella row only on the basis of the chairs.
In fact he once, at the end of a convention, he was able to declare: "Yes there are all of them. But I would not go the way of the beautiful daughter, who everyone wants but no one have her."
And no journalist to ask him: "Yes, Mastella, but you who you want to deploy, which side are you, what is your decision?"
Unfortunately, people now is so distracted by not to follow the words of politicians. Politicians who openly express their corruption without anyone being able to ask them more as a brake but a judiciary under siege.
Sandra Lonardo Mastella - occupying the post of President of the Campania Region for a mere matter of political expediency - receives house arrest and what happens?
Mastella going to whine and thunder in Parliament against the judiciary persecution as well as no ordinary citizen could afford to do.
and political forces? Those of the Right caress and show solidarity.
Mastella suits them, can not wait to take it dalla loro parte. E nel frattempo danno pure una bella botta al Governo affermando che il loro (ormai ex) Ministro della Giustizia è un indagato e che la maggioranza è a pezzi.
Un colpo al cerchio e uno alla botte.
Quelli di Sinistra, invece, annaspano: Mastella non lo si può scacciare perché ci sarebbe immediatamente una crisi. E allora tutti a esprimere solidarietà e a invitarlo a mantenere il suo posto. Sperando al contempo che questo cacacazzo si tolga dalle palle quanto prima.
Mastella, dal canto suo, dà il meglio di sé: si appella all'onore e alla famigghia come una brutta parodia di Tony Soprano (che, comunque, resta un personaggio di alto spessore) e dopo aver spacciato come superiorità d'animo e elevazione politica il suo gesto dimissionario, rilascia in quel di Benevento una conferenza stampa che è lo show della Res Publica travisata e sporcata da un mentecatto.
Rimasto - volontariamente - senza culo sulla poltrona, Mastella dichiara il suo appoggio esterno al Governo. Senza culo su una poltrona perché si dovrebbe dare appoggio incondizionato al governo?
L'appoggio esterno al Governo lascia le mani libere al boss di Ceppaloni. Che infatti
subito afferma che se Prodi dovesse nicchiare su qualche nome "perbene" suggerito dall'UDEUR per l'occupazione di un posto importante, tipo la presidenza della RAI, allora il partito trarrebbe le dovute conseguenze.
It 's the "politics of the chairs" to its highest stage, the lofty summits of existence.
Mastella says these things in a state of commotion, sees them as normal. Politics for him AND 'THIS and nothing else.
Then, a few hours later, stones began to take off their shoes and play the Samson brings the Philistines in his death.
"The PD has forsaken me! Pecoraro Scanio, Minister of Environment is still despite the scandal garbage in Campania! UDEUR and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bnever together!"
As I said at the beginning, Mastella is a homunculus.
believes that if the whole system travels in the wrong way, then no one who rides is guilty of anything.
The Same Old Story since the time of the condemnation of Craxi.
Forget, however, that no doctor ordered it to him to do politically.
What if the system is wrong, you can dispense with it.
Mastella instead wants all the benefits without paying any consequences.
and complain, and cry, and whimper, and thunders if someone decides to let him skip the toy from his hands.
"Why me?" Why should I pay to be me? "
The Punisher Marvel Comics would have replied: "Why should someone have to begin."

Clemente Mastella non è un criminale: è peggio.
Un criminale possiede una sua dimensione di cattiveria, ha un suo stile, contro di lui puoi soccombere, ma puoi anche combatterlo se possiedi palle a sufficienza.
Mastella, invece è un grasso magna-magna , un omiciattolo con un distorto, perverso senso della politica, uno che mette su un gigantesco sistema di raccomandazioni e facilitazioni ed è convinto di non star facendo nulla di anormale.
Semplicemente "Because everyone in politics, do so."
Mastella has no genuine ideological beliefs: each time the UDEUR the Congress Party, the main leaders of the two sides go on pilgrimage to smooth the coat worn as the eighteenth century fops. Why
Mastella row only on the basis of the chairs.
In fact he once, at the end of a convention, he was able to declare: "Yes there are all of them. But I would not go the way of the beautiful daughter, who everyone wants but no one have her."
And no journalist to ask him: "Yes, Mastella, but you who you want to deploy, which side are you, what is your decision?"
Unfortunately, people now is so distracted by not to follow the words of politicians. Politicians who openly express their corruption without anyone being able to ask them more as a brake but a judiciary under siege.

Mastella going to whine and thunder in Parliament against the judiciary persecution as well as no ordinary citizen could afford to do.
and political forces? Those of the Right caress and show solidarity.
Mastella suits them, can not wait to take it dalla loro parte. E nel frattempo danno pure una bella botta al Governo affermando che il loro (ormai ex) Ministro della Giustizia è un indagato e che la maggioranza è a pezzi.
Un colpo al cerchio e uno alla botte.
Quelli di Sinistra, invece, annaspano: Mastella non lo si può scacciare perché ci sarebbe immediatamente una crisi. E allora tutti a esprimere solidarietà e a invitarlo a mantenere il suo posto. Sperando al contempo che questo cacacazzo si tolga dalle palle quanto prima.
Mastella, dal canto suo, dà il meglio di sé: si appella all'onore e alla famigghia come una brutta parodia di Tony Soprano (che, comunque, resta un personaggio di alto spessore) e dopo aver spacciato come superiorità d'animo e elevazione politica il suo gesto dimissionario, rilascia in quel di Benevento una conferenza stampa che è lo show della Res Publica travisata e sporcata da un mentecatto.
Rimasto - volontariamente - senza culo sulla poltrona, Mastella dichiara il suo appoggio esterno al Governo. Senza culo su una poltrona perché si dovrebbe dare appoggio incondizionato al governo?
L'appoggio esterno al Governo lascia le mani libere al boss di Ceppaloni. Che infatti
subito afferma che se Prodi dovesse nicchiare su qualche nome "perbene" suggerito dall'UDEUR per l'occupazione di un posto importante, tipo la presidenza della RAI, allora il partito trarrebbe le dovute conseguenze.
It 's the "politics of the chairs" to its highest stage, the lofty summits of existence.
Mastella says these things in a state of commotion, sees them as normal. Politics for him AND 'THIS and nothing else.
Then, a few hours later, stones began to take off their shoes and play the Samson brings the Philistines in his death.
"The PD has forsaken me! Pecoraro Scanio, Minister of Environment is still despite the scandal garbage in Campania! UDEUR and Italy of Values \u200b\u200bnever together!"
As I said at the beginning, Mastella is a homunculus.
believes that if the whole system travels in the wrong way, then no one who rides is guilty of anything.
The Same Old Story since the time of the condemnation of Craxi.
Forget, however, that no doctor ordered it to him to do politically.
What if the system is wrong, you can dispense with it.
Mastella instead wants all the benefits without paying any consequences.
and complain, and cry, and whimper, and thunders if someone decides to let him skip the toy from his hands.
"Why me?" Why should I pay to be me? "
The Punisher Marvel Comics would have replied: "Why should someone have to begin."

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Brazilian Straightening Royal
Depeche Mode
Music Depeche Mode has been central to my imagination.
has marked the crucial moments of my life: rites of passage, love, fantasies, thoughts.
same can not be said for their video clips that I've always found it monotonous and unoriginal. Not to mention those that will be filmed by Anton Corbijn and a great photographer but at the level of director and concept is generally a tasteless boor (in this sense, I try to avoid watching Personal Jesus to avoid any type of irritation).
It is no coincidence that the only video shot for Corbijn Depeche Mode that I could be fully Useless , dark without complacency, shot almost entirely based on a fixed and Dave Gahan - escaped death, his voice convalescent - sore and angry by the words together, engaged to sing a serenade sulfur.
And then what else is in memory?
Surely the psychedelic video Leave in Silence, directed by Julian Temple that in the eighties helped to invent and launch the language of music video. And who first made me love the electronic sound of Depeche Mode:
is still to Freelove directed by John Hillcoat which I find wonderfully decadent: a rotten view of New Orleans illuminato da una luce fredda - filtrata da nubi grigie - che si va a rifrangere sull'erba verde e sulla terra marrone.
Un pezzo di bravura considerando che il regista e il direttore della fotografia hanno saputo trarre vantaggio dal tempo impazzito dell'anno di grazia 2003, sfruttando in chiave "pittorica" le instabili condizioni metereologiche della zona. Quasi un preludio elegiaco alla catastrofe biblica che avrebbe travolto The Big Easy qualche anno più tardi:
Godetevi musica e immagini e fate i bravi.
Music Depeche Mode has been central to my imagination.
has marked the crucial moments of my life: rites of passage, love, fantasies, thoughts.
same can not be said for their video clips that I've always found it monotonous and unoriginal. Not to mention those that will be filmed by Anton Corbijn and a great photographer but at the level of director and concept is generally a tasteless boor (in this sense, I try to avoid watching Personal Jesus to avoid any type of irritation).
It is no coincidence that the only video shot for Corbijn Depeche Mode that I could be fully Useless , dark without complacency, shot almost entirely based on a fixed and Dave Gahan - escaped death, his voice convalescent - sore and angry by the words together, engaged to sing a serenade sulfur.
And then what else is in memory?
Surely the psychedelic video Leave in Silence, directed by Julian Temple that in the eighties helped to invent and launch the language of music video. And who first made me love the electronic sound of Depeche Mode:
is still to Freelove directed by John Hillcoat which I find wonderfully decadent: a rotten view of New Orleans illuminato da una luce fredda - filtrata da nubi grigie - che si va a rifrangere sull'erba verde e sulla terra marrone.
Un pezzo di bravura considerando che il regista e il direttore della fotografia hanno saputo trarre vantaggio dal tempo impazzito dell'anno di grazia 2003, sfruttando in chiave "pittorica" le instabili condizioni metereologiche della zona. Quasi un preludio elegiaco alla catastrofe biblica che avrebbe travolto The Big Easy qualche anno più tardi:
Godetevi musica e immagini e fate i bravi.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
How To Install Techdecklive
Mauro Garofalo l'ho conosciuto un annetto fa quando lui lavorava per i canali satellitari della RAI.
Dopo aver letto il mio Supereroi e Superpoteri , mi aveva invitato come ospite in una trasmissione da lui curata per parlare di scienza e supercreature dei fumetti.
Poi non se n'era fatto più niente perché la RAI aveva pensato bene di chiudere l'esperienza dei suoi canali satellitari sperimentali. E Mauro si era trovato senza lavoro assieme a qualche altro centinaio di persone.
La sua disoccupazione è durata pochissimo, per fortuna (e non c'era da aspettarsi altrimenti da uno come lui). Oggi Mauro lavora per il quotidiano Il Sole - 24 Ore e, nello specifico, per l'inserto Nòva , tutto dedicato alle nuove tecnologie.
Qualche mese fa Mauro è tornato alla carica e mi ha chiesto di potermi intervistare for a series of films focusing on Generation X 2.0, namely: the vision of the future through the eyes and minds of young and old engaged in decoding the cultural and practical realities of today.
It is a dozen events that Mauro is posting on his blog , part of Nòva 100 , telematics platform to weblogs launched Il Sole - 24 Ore .
A few days ago was also released my speech, with lots of pictures, paintings and books pilfered from the depths of my apartment with the eye of the camera.
Hope you like it.
Mauro Garofalo l'ho conosciuto un annetto fa quando lui lavorava per i canali satellitari della RAI.
Dopo aver letto il mio Supereroi e Superpoteri , mi aveva invitato come ospite in una trasmissione da lui curata per parlare di scienza e supercreature dei fumetti.
Poi non se n'era fatto più niente perché la RAI aveva pensato bene di chiudere l'esperienza dei suoi canali satellitari sperimentali. E Mauro si era trovato senza lavoro assieme a qualche altro centinaio di persone.
La sua disoccupazione è durata pochissimo, per fortuna (e non c'era da aspettarsi altrimenti da uno come lui). Oggi Mauro lavora per il quotidiano Il Sole - 24 Ore e, nello specifico, per l'inserto Nòva , tutto dedicato alle nuove tecnologie.
Qualche mese fa Mauro è tornato alla carica e mi ha chiesto di potermi intervistare for a series of films focusing on Generation X 2.0, namely: the vision of the future through the eyes and minds of young and old engaged in decoding the cultural and practical realities of today.
It is a dozen events that Mauro is posting on his blog , part of Nòva 100 , telematics platform to weblogs launched Il Sole - 24 Ore .
A few days ago was also released my speech, with lots of pictures, paintings and books pilfered from the depths of my apartment with the eye of the camera.
Hope you like it.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
What Can I Write In A Having A Baby Card
gifts to myself ... Maybe
not really love receiving gifts institutions, those related to birthdays, Christmas and more. A
it I have no problems when it happens. But receive me sad, somehow. Maybe because I communicate a sense of kindness and concern to me growing melancholy. Already I am thinking of a mother trying to buy something that makes me smile and his creatures are the lucciconi Magoni.
prefer the opposite side of the fence, I prefer a minimum of emotional control.
I like, however, the unexpected gifts, like those received by Justin, Fabrizio, director of editorial Neapolitan de the Republic. Step-by-the place to extend Christmas greetings and make sure that my items had arrived and he called the office, opening a closet and filled with a History of Classical Music in twenty volumes with such care in cardboard. Plus - as official expert of comics - I soften the five volumes of the Classics Comics dedicated to ' Alan Ford by Magnus and Bunker.
Other than that, for the holidays I got Post-Punk Simon Reynolds, published by ISBN Edizioni volumazzo corposissimo at 35 € all focused sull'epopea rock and pop music that goes from 1978 to 1984. Practically a bible.
Then - and my 25 readers might suspect - Music to our eyes - Stories and Secrets of
Videoclip Domenico Liggeri (Bompiani, € 16.50), another brick full of information, directors, musicians, trends, etc. .
Needless to say that this book will draw a lot of things on the videos that I'm going to put on these pages.
But the best gift - and here let me give in to sentimentality of the most sinister and forbid begging - I did my wife.
name is Myriam, is my Persichella and is a masterpiece.
I hope that one day she too can appreciate what her mother and I have loved so much and we continue to love.
Meanwhile, designed to meet duty if anything were to ask who were the Clash, Joy Division, XTC, and all the others, many teachers of band, of all places and periods.

it I have no problems when it happens. But receive me sad, somehow. Maybe because I communicate a sense of kindness and concern to me growing melancholy. Already I am thinking of a mother trying to buy something that makes me smile and his creatures are the lucciconi Magoni.
prefer the opposite side of the fence, I prefer a minimum of emotional control.

I like, however, the unexpected gifts, like those received by Justin, Fabrizio, director of editorial Neapolitan de the Republic. Step-by-the place to extend Christmas greetings and make sure that my items had arrived and he called the office, opening a closet and filled with a History of Classical Music in twenty volumes with such care in cardboard. Plus - as official expert of comics - I soften the five volumes of the Classics Comics dedicated to ' Alan Ford by Magnus and Bunker.
Other than that, for the holidays I got Post-Punk Simon Reynolds, published by ISBN Edizioni volumazzo corposissimo at 35 € all focused sull'epopea rock and pop music that goes from 1978 to 1984. Practically a bible.

Then - and my 25 readers might suspect - Music to our eyes - Stories and Secrets of
Videoclip Domenico Liggeri (Bompiani, € 16.50), another brick full of information, directors, musicians, trends, etc. .
Needless to say that this book will draw a lot of things on the videos that I'm going to put on these pages.
But the best gift - and here let me give in to sentimentality of the most sinister and forbid begging - I did my wife.
name is Myriam, is my Persichella and is a masterpiece.
I hope that one day she too can appreciate what her mother and I have loved so much and we continue to love.
Meanwhile, designed to meet duty if anything were to ask who were the Clash, Joy Division, XTC, and all the others, many teachers of band, of all places and periods.
Mount&blade Europe 1200
Garbo is what Italy was in the early eighties, a country recovering from the disease of terrorism, but also full of doubt attracted so moving from the future and the new.
And if you go to analyze the song titles of the time, you can realize how this trasparisse by the words and sounds that could be heard at that time.
Perhaps a video is misunderstood. Garbo is old but the images and the song is thrilling.
Dedicated to my wife and my daughter. Why can always neutralize the Pac-Man chasing and threatening all of us human beings.
D60 Small Neoprene Camera Bag
The Power of Love I want to live
And since the day of Epiphany, celebriamola through this masterpiece of kitsch that is the video of of The Power of Love Frankie Goes to Hollywood:
And since the day of Epiphany, celebriamola through this masterpiece of kitsch that is the video of of The Power of Love Frankie Goes to Hollywood:
Is There A Fast Dementia
I had forgotten that this jewel of pop that I want to live Gavin Friday - Eight Gabos cited by the comments of a few posts further back - esiste anche un video molto bello.
Godetevelo mentre io ne approfitto per inserire il link al sito del bizzarro Gavin nella colonna a fianco.
What Kind Of Paint For A Sand Rail
Updates 2008

Inizia il 2008.
Auguro a tutti di riuscire a sostenere bene le proprie croci personali (che, nonostante tutti gli "in bocca al lupo" possibili, non mancheranno).
Per l'occasione effettuo un aggiornamento delle colonnine laterali inserendo i siti di:
001 edizioni : per Antonio Scuzzarella, patron di questa piccola e agguerrita publishing house torinese, sto scrivendo le introduzioni ad alcuni volumi.
Per l'occasione effettuo un aggiornamento delle colonnine laterali inserendo i siti di:
001 edizioni : per Antonio Scuzzarella, patron di questa piccola e agguerrita publishing house torinese, sto scrivendo le introduzioni ad alcuni volumi.
In particolare sono già uscite quelle per Slot Barr di Ricardo Barreiro e Francisco Solano Lòpez (il leggendario disegnatore de L'Eternauta ) e per Parque Chas , sempre di quel geniaccio precocemente scomparso di Barreiro coi disegni di Eduardo Risso.
Molto ben riuscite - modestia a parte - anche quelle per i volumi cronologici - saranno sei in tutto - di Tales from the Crypt , storica rivista orrorifica degli anni Cinquanta prodotta dalla EC Comics prima che la censura ne causasse la chiusura.
Magic Press : gli editor Pasquale Ruggiero e Alessio Danesi sono amici da tempo, per istintiva simpatia, even if we never particularly popular. The Magic Press published cartoons of the year for DC / Vertigo, Wildstorm, Dark Horse, etc.. Now that Italy has landed in Spain's Planeta / De Agostini to publish the material weblog DC Comics, Press the Magic, while retaining the rights sul'etichetta Wildstorm, but has lost the rights to Vertigo. However today
Pasquale Alessio and care - always on behalf of the Magic Press - an important service for Planeta, working on translations and adaptations of the supervision of the DC Comics books published in Italy.
At the invitation of Pasquale and then I drew up detailed text for the numbers 4 and 5 of the reissue of the serial Sandman coming out attualmente in edicola (assieme ad altre importanti collane Vertigo come Hellblazer e Preacher ).
Al momento non so ancora come questa bella collaborazione si evolverà.
Planeta DeAgostini : come da sopra specificato.
Action30 : bizzarro progetto situazionista portato avanti - attraverso performance internazionali di cui si dà conto in una bella rivista aperiodica - da un cospicuo numero di scrittori e artisti attivi in vari campi. Scopo degli ideatori è quello di evidenziare il modo nel quale il concetto di supereroismo sta decadendo, sostituito da una grossolana supernormalità. Accedete comunque al sito o al weblog e tutti details will be clear.
am proud to have provided some food for thought to Action30 (including the Project Steering widely credited me).
Among the authors involved, writers and cartoonists, among them his friend Giuseppe Palumbo, always engaged in oblique and unsettling thoughts (you can access your blog - Bestiary - through the links that have long been found in the next column ).
Palumbo is an artist / writer / creative eclectic way that passes with ease from the narratives in more philosophical and esoteric works of great marketability ( Diabolik, Martin Mystère, etc.)..
The homage am here posting his ironic portrait photography and illustration of the King of Terror, invented nearly fifty years ago by sisters Giussani
Magic Press : gli editor Pasquale Ruggiero e Alessio Danesi sono amici da tempo, per istintiva simpatia, even if we never particularly popular. The Magic Press published cartoons of the year for DC / Vertigo, Wildstorm, Dark Horse, etc.. Now that Italy has landed in Spain's Planeta / De Agostini to publish the material weblog DC Comics, Press the Magic, while retaining the rights sul'etichetta Wildstorm, but has lost the rights to Vertigo. However today
Pasquale Alessio and care - always on behalf of the Magic Press - an important service for Planeta, working on translations and adaptations of the supervision of the DC Comics books published in Italy.
At the invitation of Pasquale and then I drew up detailed text for the numbers 4 and 5 of the reissue of the serial Sandman coming out attualmente in edicola (assieme ad altre importanti collane Vertigo come Hellblazer e Preacher ).

Al momento non so ancora come questa bella collaborazione si evolverà.
Planeta DeAgostini : come da sopra specificato.
Action30 : bizzarro progetto situazionista portato avanti - attraverso performance internazionali di cui si dà conto in una bella rivista aperiodica - da un cospicuo numero di scrittori e artisti attivi in vari campi. Scopo degli ideatori è quello di evidenziare il modo nel quale il concetto di supereroismo sta decadendo, sostituito da una grossolana supernormalità. Accedete comunque al sito o al weblog e tutti details will be clear.
am proud to have provided some food for thought to Action30 (including the Project Steering widely credited me).
Among the authors involved, writers and cartoonists, among them his friend Giuseppe Palumbo, always engaged in oblique and unsettling thoughts (you can access your blog - Bestiary - through the links that have long been found in the next column ).
Palumbo is an artist / writer / creative eclectic way that passes with ease from the narratives in more philosophical and esoteric works of great marketability ( Diabolik, Martin Mystère, etc.)..
The homage am here posting his ironic portrait photography and illustration of the King of Terror, invented nearly fifty years ago by sisters Giussani

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